[Abstract]:From the perspective of emotional mobilization, this paper discusses the inducement, strategy and influence of emotional mobilization of online public events through the content analysis of 164 cases of Internet public events reported by the people's net China Internet Public opinion Analysis report 2007-2016. The results as well as the underlying causes, risks and related countermeasures. It is found that the main motivations of emotional mobilization of online public events include public security events, conflicts between officials and people, incidents of moral privacy, nationalistic events, and seeking the truth in public demands. Protect individual or collective interests, express emotions or anger, and entertain primarily. The strategies of high frequency used in emotional mobilization are, in turn, encirclement and construction, rumor construction, background disclosure and public opinion trial. Emotion mobilization is mainly caused by anger and doubt, and Internet discourse expression is the main behavior that arouses Internet users' participation. Among the results of emotional mobilization of online public events, rapid response is a common response of government, but the sustained attention to events is not strong. At the same time, there is a positive correlation between event types and public demands, emotional mobilization strategies and emotional tendencies, event types and government responses. There are profound social ideological reasons behind the formation of emotional mobilization of network public events. From the point of view of social origin, the causes include the rise of risk caused by social economic transformation, the moral supremacy of traditional culture and the uproar of popular culture, and from the perspective of participants, the reasons are the herd psychology and infection psychology of netizens. The imbalance of individual psychology, the unique Internet users' mentality in the transition period of China, from the governance subject government, its reasons are: the appeal channel is not smooth, the public credibility of the government department is lacking, the official website information disclosure lags behind or the response error; From the point of view of the catalyst network media, the reasons are the anonymity and openness of the subject, the sudden and interactive formation process, the development of the network self-media, and the bad media and organization. In the process of emotional mobilization, network public events also produce some risks, including the risk of hijacking the general public opinion, the risk of the marvel of network politics, the risk of network vagrant politics, and the risk of popularizing social governance. In view of the risks mentioned above, the governing body or the specific subject is "passive" to "active", which should be comprehensively dealt with from the aspects of concept, system and measures.
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