[Abstract]:Is paying close attention to theoretical hot spots, highlighting ethnic characteristics, 2015.1 Humanities and Social Sciences Edition, Ethnology and Anthropology, this issue of the Cultural Heritage column, Professor Xu Xinjian, "drinking and singing" and "seeking the Wild without Rites" The Cultural significance of the ethnic Diet Customs in Southwest China. From the angle of "complementing each other with Yi Xia" and "losing all the Rites", the author investigates the southwest ethnic minorities'"eating dirty" and "eating Acacia" in the view of "eating dirty" and "eating Acacia" The custom of drinking and singing, It is considered that these customs not only embody the characteristics of etiquette and music, but also contain the cultural significance of the interaction of "courtesy" and "wild", and point out that the premise of "courteous failure to seek freedom" lies in
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