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发布时间:2018-10-15 13:27
[Abstract]:The spatial distribution of urban residents and their influence on commuting behavior is one of the most important subjects in urban geography and urban planning. China is in the period of rapid urbanization of social space, and the problem of separation of occupation and residence of urban residents becomes more and more serious, which leads to the increase of commuting distance and commuting time and reflects the problems of urban traffic jam and housing shortage. In previous studies, domestic and foreign scholars have mainly obtained questionnaire data through traditional methods such as activity logs, and domestic scholars have paid more attention to Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other mega-cities. A few scholars have also studied Chengdu. Lanzhou and other western provincial capitals lack of research on the residents' working and living commuting in the eastern sub-provincial cities. Based on the IC card swipe data of residents' public transport from September 13, 2015 to September 19, 2015, this paper uses GIS10.2,spss19.0 and Excel2007 software to identify residents' residence and employment, and to study the spatial organization characteristics of their residence and employment. From the angle of commuting distance, commuting direction and commuting flow, the paper studies the commuting characteristics of residents in Ningbo from the aspects of district and street scale, circle and sector, and then discusses the degree of separation of occupation and residence space in every street in Ningbo. At last, the general characteristics of commuting in Ningbo are summarized. The conclusions are as follows: (1) the residential space of Ningbo has the characteristics of dispersed organization. (2) the average commuting distance of residents in Ningbo is 5.78 km, which accords with the law of distance attenuation; (3) on the scale of administrative region, the pattern of residents commuting flow from the north to the west and from the east to the west, On the street scale, the flow direction of residents commuting basically presents the pattern of flow from the surrounding to the center; (4) from the circle level, the residents of Ningbo basically present the pattern from the outer circle to the inner circle; (5) from the sector, The commuting flow direction of residents in Ningbo is from the east to the northeast sector to the west northwest fan and the southeast sector, and the west northwest sector to the southwest sector and the southeast sector. (6) the seperate streets of Ningbo are mainly located near CBD in Sanjiangkou, type A is located in the western area of CBD in Sanjiangkou, and type B is located in the eastern part of CBD in Sanjiangkou. The mildly separated street is located in the far suburbs of CBD, Sanjiangkou.


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