[Abstract]:With the continuous development of the aging process and the increasing scale of migration in China, the proportion of the elderly population in the floating population is increasing. The report on the Development of China's floating population released by the National Health and Family Planning Commission 2015 shows that the size of the floating elderly population is increasing and the phenomenon of migration and migration of the elderly population has become the norm. Public health service is one of the most basic and important aspects in the process of the floating population enjoying the equalization of basic public services, and the health status of the floating elderly population is paid more attention to because of the age factor. How to make the elderly enjoy the basic public health services in different places through the new rural cooperative medical insurance is one of the most concerned problems of the floating elderly population. Based on the dynamic monitoring data of floating population in China in 2015, this paper describes and analyzes the resident intention of the floating elderly population in China from three aspects: individual characteristics, mobility characteristics and social and economic characteristics. A stepwise regression method was used to study the influence of related factors on the residence intention of the floating elderly. The study shows that gender, age, education and other factors have influence on the resident intention of the floating elderly population, and from the dimension of the mobility characteristics, the flowing region, the mobility range, etc. The four variables of inflow duration and mobility reason all passed the significance test, and all of them had a significant effect on the residence intention of floating working-age population. Among the social and economic factors, except for the re-employment variable, all the four variables had a significant effect on the residence intention of the floating working-age population. All or part of the other variables have passed the significance test, which provides scientific basis for the further improvement of the basic public services and the promotion of social integration of the floating elderly population in China.
【作者单位】: 吉林大学东北亚研究中心;
【基金】:国家社会科学基金一般项目:“人的城镇化”理论与制度创新研究(14BRK035) 吉林省教育厅“十二五”社会科学研究项目:吉林省流动人口收入状况及其影响因素分析(20150477)
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