发布时间:2018-10-24 09:06
【摘要】:本研究旨在探究国内不同代际人口的家庭结构和婚姻关系随时间变化的趋势。首先,以个人自评问卷(Locke-Wallace婚姻调适测定与Olson婚姻质量问卷)和非自评问卷式的投射测验(婚姻健康测验)为研究工具,调查了2404对夫妻的婚姻状况;探讨不同家庭生命周期和不同婚龄阶段夫妻婚姻关系的变化趋势;以及夫妻年龄差异和文化程度对婚姻关系的影响。其次,对1985个家庭的家庭结构进行归类,并对比“六普”抽样数据,从实证角度分析我国家庭结构的变迁特点,同时考察家庭结构类型对婚姻关系的影响。最后,以“80后”为研究对象,通过代际比较,剖析“80后”的婚姻关系特点。 研究表明: (1)夫妻的婚姻满意度和婚姻调适水平存在显著的性别差异。 (2)男大女小的婚配模式是一种普遍的社会现象,,且年龄越大的夫妻,夫妻年龄差异越倾向于扩大。 (3)男女婚姻满意度和婚姻调适在不同文化水平间存在显著差异,文化程度越高,夫妻婚姻满意度和婚姻调适得分越高。 (4)婚姻关系随家庭生命周期的变化趋势呈现如下特点:男性的婚姻满意度和婚姻调适得分在不同生命周期阶段均存在显著差异,而女性没有显著差异;男女得分在家庭生命周期阶段中呈现不规则的“U”型曲线,其“低谷期”为学龄前期阶段(第一个子女3-6岁),比西方的研究提前了5-10年。对夫妻的关系互动进行评估,结果表明不同家庭生命周期阶段夫妻的婚姻关系在理解程度、默契和角色互动维度上存在显著差异。 (5)无论在个人自评还是关系互动评估上,不同婚龄阶段夫妻的婚姻关系均存在显著差异。使用自评问卷的结果表明:婚龄到6-10年时婚姻满意度和婚姻调适水平会达到“低谷期”,这与生命周期的第三个阶段(学龄前期阶段)相对应;女性的婚姻满意度和婚姻调适随婚龄变化的趋势虽与男性一致,但在各个阶段得分都低于男性。使用投射测验,对夫妻关系互动进行评估发现,婚姻关系表现出随着婚龄增加,夫妻之间的理解、默契和角色互动提高的趋势。 (6)我国家庭结构的总特征是:核心家庭为主体,直系家庭占相当比例,复合家庭比例极低。家庭结构类型和家庭户规模存在明显的城乡差异和代际差异:家庭户规模从城市到农村逐渐递增;直系家庭所占家庭类型的比例从50年代到80年代递增。 (7)婚姻关系存在显著的代际差异。“50后”、“60后”的夫妻在关系互动上得分显著高于“70后”和“80后”。对“80后”的婚姻状况进行具体分析,发现有无子女、城乡背景差异都能显著影响夫妻对婚姻关系的自我评估:无子女的夫妻得分高于有子女的夫妻,城市高于农村。而是否与父母居住显著影响女性的婚姻调适:与父母居住的妻子婚姻调适显著低于不与父母居住的妻子。文化程度能显著正向预测“80后”夫妻对婚姻关系的自我评估。
[Abstract]:The purpose of this study is to explore the trends of family structure and marital relationships among different generations in China. First of all, 2404 couples' marital status were investigated by personal self-assessment questionnaire (Locke-Wallace marriage adjustment questionnaire and Olson marital quality questionnaire) and non-self-assessment projective test (marriage health test). To explore the changing trend of marital relationship between husband and wife in different family life cycle and marriage age, and the influence of age difference and education level of husband and wife on marriage relationship. Secondly, it classifies the family structure of 1985 families, compares the sampling data of "six popular", analyzes the changing characteristics of the family structure in China from the empirical point of view, and examines the influence of the family structure type on the marriage relationship at the same time. Finally, taking the post-80s as the research object, through the intergenerational comparison, analyzes the after-80s marriage relations characteristic. The results show that: (1) there are significant gender differences in marital satisfaction and marriage adjustment level between husband and wife. (2) the marriage pattern of male, female and female is a common social phenomenon, and the older the husband and wife are, The age difference of husband and wife tends to expand. (3) there are significant differences in marital satisfaction and marriage adjustment between men and women at different education levels, the higher the education level, the higher the degree of education. The higher the score of marital satisfaction and adjustment of husband and wife is. (4) the changing trend of marriage relationship with family life cycle shows the following characteristics: male marriage satisfaction and marriage adjustment scores have significant differences in different life cycle stages. However, there was no significant difference between women and men, and the scores of men and women showed an irregular "U" curve in the family life cycle. The "low point" of the curve was the pre-school period (the first child was 3-6 years old), which was 5-10 years earlier than the western study. The results of the evaluation of the relationship interaction between husband and wife show that the marital relationship is understood in different family life cycle stages. There are significant differences in the dimensions of tacit understanding and role interaction. (5) there are significant differences in marriage relationship between husband and wife at different marriage age both in personal self-assessment and relationship interaction evaluation. The results of the self-assessment questionnaire show that the marital satisfaction and the level of marriage adjustment will reach the "low point" at the age of 6-10 years, which corresponds to the third stage of the life cycle (the pre-school stage); The trend of marital satisfaction and adjustment with marriage age is consistent with that of male, but it is lower than that of male in every stage. A projection test was used to evaluate the interaction between husband and wife. It was found that marital relationship showed understanding between husband and wife with the increase of marriage age. The trend of tacit understanding and role interaction. (6) the general characteristics of Chinese family structure are that nuclear family is the main body, direct family accounts for a considerable proportion, and the proportion of complex family is very low. There are obvious differences between urban and rural areas and intergenerational differences in family structure types and household size: the household size increases gradually from urban to rural areas; The proportion of direct families in family types increased from 1950s to 1980s. (7) there were significant intergenerational differences in marital relationships. The scores of relationship interaction between "post-50s" and "post-60" couples were significantly higher than those of "post-70s" and "post-80s" couples. Through the analysis of the marital status of the post-80s generation, it is found that the differences between urban and rural backgrounds can significantly affect the self-evaluation of marital relationships: the score of childless couples is higher than that of childless couples, and that of urban couples is higher than that of rural areas. Whether they live with their parents has a significant impact on their marriage adjustment: the marriage adjustment of their wives living with their parents is significantly lower than that of the wives who do not live with their parents. Education level can predict the self-evaluation of marriage relationship significantly.
[Abstract]:The purpose of this study is to explore the trends of family structure and marital relationships among different generations in China. First of all, 2404 couples' marital status were investigated by personal self-assessment questionnaire (Locke-Wallace marriage adjustment questionnaire and Olson marital quality questionnaire) and non-self-assessment projective test (marriage health test). To explore the changing trend of marital relationship between husband and wife in different family life cycle and marriage age, and the influence of age difference and education level of husband and wife on marriage relationship. Secondly, it classifies the family structure of 1985 families, compares the sampling data of "six popular", analyzes the changing characteristics of the family structure in China from the empirical point of view, and examines the influence of the family structure type on the marriage relationship at the same time. Finally, taking the post-80s as the research object, through the intergenerational comparison, analyzes the after-80s marriage relations characteristic. The results show that: (1) there are significant gender differences in marital satisfaction and marriage adjustment level between husband and wife. (2) the marriage pattern of male, female and female is a common social phenomenon, and the older the husband and wife are, The age difference of husband and wife tends to expand. (3) there are significant differences in marital satisfaction and marriage adjustment between men and women at different education levels, the higher the education level, the higher the degree of education. The higher the score of marital satisfaction and adjustment of husband and wife is. (4) the changing trend of marriage relationship with family life cycle shows the following characteristics: male marriage satisfaction and marriage adjustment scores have significant differences in different life cycle stages. However, there was no significant difference between women and men, and the scores of men and women showed an irregular "U" curve in the family life cycle. The "low point" of the curve was the pre-school period (the first child was 3-6 years old), which was 5-10 years earlier than the western study. The results of the evaluation of the relationship interaction between husband and wife show that the marital relationship is understood in different family life cycle stages. There are significant differences in the dimensions of tacit understanding and role interaction. (5) there are significant differences in marriage relationship between husband and wife at different marriage age both in personal self-assessment and relationship interaction evaluation. The results of the self-assessment questionnaire show that the marital satisfaction and the level of marriage adjustment will reach the "low point" at the age of 6-10 years, which corresponds to the third stage of the life cycle (the pre-school stage); The trend of marital satisfaction and adjustment with marriage age is consistent with that of male, but it is lower than that of male in every stage. A projection test was used to evaluate the interaction between husband and wife. It was found that marital relationship showed understanding between husband and wife with the increase of marriage age. The trend of tacit understanding and role interaction. (6) the general characteristics of Chinese family structure are that nuclear family is the main body, direct family accounts for a considerable proportion, and the proportion of complex family is very low. There are obvious differences between urban and rural areas and intergenerational differences in family structure types and household size: the household size increases gradually from urban to rural areas; The proportion of direct families in family types increased from 1950s to 1980s. (7) there were significant intergenerational differences in marital relationships. The scores of relationship interaction between "post-50s" and "post-60" couples were significantly higher than those of "post-70s" and "post-80s" couples. Through the analysis of the marital status of the post-80s generation, it is found that the differences between urban and rural backgrounds can significantly affect the self-evaluation of marital relationships: the score of childless couples is higher than that of childless couples, and that of urban couples is higher than that of rural areas. Whether they live with their parents has a significant impact on their marriage adjustment: the marriage adjustment of their wives living with their parents is significantly lower than that of the wives who do not live with their parents. Education level can predict the self-evaluation of marriage relationship significantly.
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