[Abstract]:In order to meet the needs of urban social development and urban construction, the research on space-time behavior of western women has made great progress in recent years. Urban women in China also face great challenges in the transition period. Gender inequality in urban space is profoundly affecting women's daily behavior and quality of life. This paper systematically reviews the research achievements of space-time behavior of western women in the past 50 years, and introduces the research progress of traditional issues such as women's commuting behavior, non-work activities, family relations, joint behavior, accessibility and other new issues. It also summarizes the theoretical explanation of the study of women's temporal and spatial behavior. In the early stage of the study of women's spatial and temporal behavior in western countries, women's travel behavior under the background of economic transition was concerned, and a large number of studies were carried out on the gender differences in employment accessibility, commuting and non-working activities. In recent years, the western studies have shown a trend of diversification. The focus of the study is on family relations, family union behavior and space-time accessibility, and points out that women face social exclusion and spatial inequality in their daily life. In order to understand the forming mechanism of women's spatio-temporal behavior model, scholars have discussed it from the angles of economics, sociology and geography, and put forward the theory of land rent and wage, the theory of labor market segregation, the hypothesis of family responsibility, etc. Women's self-cognition and social culture, family resource allocation theory, time-space fixed constraints and other explanatory theories. These studies provide a reference for the study of spatial and temporal behavior of urban women in China. In view of the unique background of urban social transformation faced by Chinese women, the spatiotemporal behavior of Chinese urban women is restricted by institutions, families and themselves, and the framework and future research direction of spatio-temporal behavior of urban women in China are put forward.
【作者单位】: 华东师范大学地理信息科学教育部重点实验室;华东师范大学地理科学学院;清华大学公共管理学院;
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