[Abstract]:With many migrant workers coming to the city to work, the number of migrant children in the city has increased sharply, forming a special group-migrant workers' children. Because of the restriction of many demands, the children of migrant workers can not enjoy the educational resources and the right to education equally, but the improper education of the children of the family makes the children of migrant workers often encounter adversity on the road of growing up. This paper takes the case study of the children education of migrant workers' families as an example, taking social work intervention as the service form, applying the combined family therapy, and taking the social support theory as the guidance. To explore the methods of social work intervention in the education of children of migrant workers. The main contents of the study were carried out from three aspects: first, taking the case of the victim K as an example, first of all, from the individual situation of the victim, the family situation, The parents' education methods for their children and the plight of the family education of the victim K are analyzed in four aspects: the problems and the causes of the problems, and taking the case owner as the center, from the family factor, the school factor, Secondly, for the plight of the victim K and his parents, the author uses the combined family therapy in the case of social work to provide six social worker intervention services to the victim K and his parents. Thirdly, this paper draws the following conclusions: the feasibility and effectiveness of the study on the involvement of social work in the education of migrant workers' children.
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