[Abstract]:The coping ability of urban and rural residents refers to the state of preparedness of urban and rural residents to various possible local emergencies, which includes two parts: first, whether they have the relevant knowledge and skills to deal with emergencies, Second, whether it has the psychological quality and behavioral characteristics needed to cope well with emergencies. Improving the ability of the public to deal with emergencies is an important part of dealing with all kinds of emergencies. In this study, the basic structure of emergent coping ability of urban and rural residents was preliminarily established by compiling the emergent coping ability scale of urban and rural residents, and some preliminary applied studies were made by using this scale. The present situation of emergency response ability of urban and rural residents in Zhejiang Province is deeply understood, and some feasible suggestions are put forward. The research includes two parts: first, the development of emergency coping ability scale, using exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis to determine the basic structure; Then the questionnaire was used to investigate the urban and rural residents in 11 regions of Zhejiang province, and the characteristics of different demographic variables were analyzed and compared. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) the basic structure of emergent coping ability of urban and rural residents is preliminarily established, and the questionnaire consists of eight sub-scales. Respectively: emergency general coping ability scale, fire coping ability scale, earthquake coping ability scale, food poisoning coping ability scale, infectious disease coping ability scale, crime coping ability scale, typhoon coping ability scale, Traffic accident coping capacity scale. Confirmatory factor analysis supports this structure. (2) the internal consistency reliability and retest reliability index were used to test the reliability of the questionnaire. The reliability of the questionnaire was 0.922, indicating that the questionnaire had acceptable reliability. In this study, the structural validity was used as the validity index of the questionnaire. By means of confirmatory factor analysis and correlation tests among subscales and between subscales and total tables, it is shown that the questionnaire has good structural validity. (3) the present situation of emergency coping ability of urban and rural residents in 11 regions of Zhejiang Province was investigated by using the questionnaire of emergency response ability of urban and rural residents, and the results showed that, There are significant gender, region, urban and rural, occupation, educational background and age differences in emergent coping ability of urban and rural residents in Zhejiang Province, and there is significant interaction between sex and urban and rural areas. The gender difference of urban residents is greater than that of rural residents. For special coping ability, the gender difference of urban residents is smaller than that of rural residents.
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