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发布时间:2018-10-30 20:19
[Abstract]:In the process of urbanization, the status of the elderly has undergone serious changes. The investigation in M Town of Shandong Province shows that the space transfer makes the old people not adapt to the new life style, and there are the characteristics of the squeezing of the living space and the compartmentalization of the leisure space and the psychological space. As a means of social exclusion, the elderly are excluded in space production. The forming process of this exclusion mechanism includes: the construction of centralized old houses led by the government leads to the marginalization of the living space of the elderly; Spatial transfer intensifies intergenerational tension, and the dominant power of the elderly in the family is further lost and transferred to the offspring. Under the influence of this structure, the elderly choose to marginalize themselves and belong to voluntary segregation. Therefore, in the process of urbanization, we should fully respect the subjectivity of human beings, protect the reasonable interests of the elderly group, and realize fairness and justice in space production.
【作者单位】: 华中科技大学中国乡村治理研究中心;


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