[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening to the outside world, with the rapid development of our economy, the urban areas are rapidly infiltrating into the suburbs and even the outer suburbs, the area of the urban built-up areas is expanding, the boundaries of the urban and rural areas are becoming increasingly blurred, and some rural areas located on the edge of the city gradually accumulate urban elements. Give birth to the rise of "town side village". However, at present, the development of "city-side village" is only in the original construction state, and it is far from the essential connotation of modern city in many aspects, such as planning layout, public construction facilities, landscaping and so on. Many examples show that "city-side village" can not effectively integrate into the overall process of urbanization, can not adapt to the requirements of sustainable development of modern cities, and even bring negative impact to the image of the city. At present, the present situation of "city-side village" in our country is in the primary stage of village development and evolution. If we can effectively utilize the macro environment of new rural construction and take targeted measures of renovation and transformation, we can guide and control the development of "city-edge village". It will greatly promote the process of urbanization, enrich the construction mode of "city-side village", and achieve the goal of new rural construction. The new rural planning has the functions of improving the structure of agricultural production and marketing, increasing farmers' income, promoting the transfer of agricultural surplus labor force, protecting and improving the rural production and living environment, and so on. Based on the theory of urban village construction planning, this paper studies the planning and transformation mechanism of city-edge village. This paper first discusses the background and significance of the current study of urban village reconstruction, and puts forward the focus of the study. By describing the present situation of city-side village, the concept of city-edge village is precisely defined, and the necessity and urgency of its transformation are elicited according to the causes, typical characteristics and existing problems of city-side village. Secondly, on the basis of studying the related literature of "the development of city-side village" at home and abroad, this paper compares and analyzes the present situation and characteristics of "city-side village" in different stages of development. This paper sums up the mode and method of renovating and renovating the main cities of China "Chengbian Village". On this basis, the study specifically combines the "Chengbian Village" renovation plan in the southwestern sub-region of Longgang, Wenzhou, and attempts to reform it from the perspective of sociology. From the perspective of urban planning, the development and evolution process and transformation mode of "Chengbian Village" in the southwest sub-region of Longgang, Wenzhou, are investigated in detail, and operational countermeasures are put forward to avoid the phenomenon of low level, lack of planning and no supporting construction of "Chengbian Village". It also makes a beneficial exploration on the mode of transition from the "town side village" to the urban community.
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