[Abstract]:In the domestic research tradition, the social exclusion faced by the disabled group is often discussed at the macro structure level, but less attention is paid to the individual experience level. In this study, the experience of social exclusion of youth with physical disability in Shenzhen City was taken as the research content. The results showed that the experience of social exclusion of youth with disabilities coexisted with experience of receiving social support. The analysis of social exclusion from the perspective of individual experience shows a full interaction between individual and society. This two-way interaction process enriches the dynamic explanation of social exclusion in the study of social exclusion of persons with disabilities. In addition, this study presents the connotation of the complex identity of exclusion and self-exclusion of youth with disabilities, and finds that the formation of identity comes from the interaction with different subjects and environments of micro, meso and macro. The introduction of the concept of identity will enrich the theoretical explanation of social exclusion and provide a new way of thinking for solving the social welfare problems of the disabled.
【作者单位】: 山东大学社会工作系;香港中文大学社会工作学系;
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