发布时间:2018-03-14 15:45
本文选题:七七事变 切入点:苏联 出处:《黑龙江省社会科学院》2009年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 1931年日本帝国主义发动的“九一八事变”及随后发动的侵略中国东北的战争,不仪使中华民族陷入空前的民族危机之中,在世界上也引起了强烈的反响。面对日军的侵略行径,各国政府迅速作出了相应的反应,中国的重要邻邦苏联在“九一八事变”发生后的十年间,对华政策的更迭更是值得我们去探究。 “九一八事变”发生前,苏、中、日三国之间的关系错综复杂。因国民党右派反苏反共气焰嚣张,加上中东路事件,中苏关系在这一时期落入低谷,最终发展到双方断交。而随着中国抗日战争的爆发,严峻的事实使得中苏两国政府认识到,两国共同面对的最大威胁是日本帝国主义,迫于现实压力,中苏两国又重新复交。而日本发动侵华战争,并不仅仅就是为了侵略中国,实际上是把中国东北作为反苏战争的桥头堡,进一步北进苏联,但由于自身实力有限,日本不敢轻易冒犯苏联,因此在远东就形成了苏日相互对峙的局面。 在这种远东国际背景下,苏联政府在日本发动“九一八事变”后,对华政策发生了从不干涉到援华抗日的演变。从1931年“九一八事变”到1937年“七七事变”,在这一阶段苏联对华实行了不干涉政策。原因有四点:其一,从当时苏联的情况来看,实行不干涉政策是出于自身战略利益的需要;其二,“九一八”事变还没有直接威胁到苏联的利益;其三,当时苏联的国力不强,特别是远东地区经济发展速度极其缓慢,这就直接影响到苏联的远东防务,远东地区又是苏联极为敏感的地区,这一地区战争因素的任何增长都将对苏联形成威胁。此外,我们还不应忽略一个事实,即苏联当时是凯洛格非战公约的参加国。鉴于以上四方面的考虑,苏联对华政策主要采取中立的不干涉政策就不足为奇了。究其不干涉政策的一个重要原因,根源就在其自身的民族利己主义,即出于自身国家战略利益的考虑,力图为其赢得一个相对和平的外部环境。不干涉政策是苏联进行国际斗争的一种策略,是为了避免卷入与日本的冲突,不干涉政策的实质是一种妥协,是为了避免激化与日本的矛盾。同时,我们必须指出,不干涉政策严重损害了中国的主权和利益。 随着日本侵华战争的步步深入,最终爆发了“七七事变”,这一事变不仅引发了中国全民族的抗战,也使得苏联对华政策发生了很大变化。从1937年“七七事变”到1941年苏德战争爆发前,在这一阶段苏联对华实行了援华抗日政策,即由不干涉开始转向旗帜鲜明地谴责、揭露日本的侵略行径,并积极援助中国抗击日本的侵略,给予了中国大量积极的、有效的援助,其中包括道义支持、贷款援助、物资援助、派遣军事顾问和志愿人员、提供技术援助等等。苏联在这一阶段给中国的多方面援助,不仅打击了日本法西斯的嚣张侵略气焰,而且也极大地鼓舞了中国人民的斗志。深入分析苏联在此阶段实行援华政策的原因,可以看到,这是因为日本对中国的大举进攻,已严重威胁到苏联的现实安全,苏联的中立政策并不能达到阻止日军挑衅、避免苏日矛盾的目的。日本还在朝鲜集结兵力,制定作战计划,企图和欧洲反苏政治力量联合夹击苏联引起正式性决战。在这种国际政治格局的新形势下,苏联实行援华政策是为了避免东西两线作战。采取援华政策,是为了牵制、削弱日本,防止战争扩大,阻止日军北进,避免苏日战争爆发。利用中国的抗战拖住和消耗日本的实力,紧紧束缚日本侵略者的手脚,尽量拖延苏日战争的爆发,这才是苏联的特殊考虑。 近几年来,有关如何评价抗日战争时期苏联对华政策,众多学者一直争论不休。笔者认为关于抗日战争时期苏联对华政策的评价,应以1937年“七七事变”为界。“七七事变”以前苏联对华实行不干涉政策,是消极的,应予否定。苏联没有处理好实行不干涉政策过程中的利益关系,没有把握好对日本妥协的度,在客观上使得日本得寸进尺,放手扩大对中国的侵略。而从1937年“七七事变”到1941年苏德战争爆发苏联实行的援华政策,是积极的,应予肯定。苏联积极而有效地援助中国抗战,增强了中国人民抵抗日本侵略者的实力和信心。20世纪30年代抗日战争时期,苏联的对华政策是在极其复杂的历史背景下形成的。它的对华援助,曾经极大地鼓舞中国人民的正义斗争,并且加速了我国抗日战争的全面胜利。这种援助从主观上说,是出于苏联自身的战略需要,从客观上说,它既支持了弱小民族和革命战争,同时也为苏联赢得了战略主动。同时,我们也应该清醒地认识到:援助是双向性的,不应该笼统地将苏方的援助视为“无私”的单方面给予。对此,我们既不应回避,更不能文过饰非,应还其应有的历史方位,这才是对苏联对华政策较为公正、合理的评价。
[Abstract]:In 1931 the Japanese imperialists launched the "918 incident" and subsequently launched the invasion war Chinese northeast, not only make the Chinese nation into an unprecedented national crisis in the world, has aroused strong repercussions. The face of the Japanese aggression, governments rapid response, the important neighbors of the Soviet Union in the "China the 918 incident occurred after ten years, China policy change is worth exploring.
The "918 incident" occurred before, Sue, in Japan, the relationship between the perplexing. Because of the Kuomintang rightists anti Communist arrogance, with events in the East, the Sino Soviet relations fall into the trough in this period, the ultimate development of both sides. With anti Japanese war broke Chinese burst, the grim fact that the Sino Soviet government understanding the biggest threat to both countries is in the face of Japanese imperialism, under the pressure of reality, the Sino Soviet diplomatic relations again. While Japan launched a war of aggression and aggression is not only to Chinese, is actually the Chinese northeast as an anti Soviet war of the bridgehead, further north the Soviet Union, but because of their limited strength, the Japanese dare to offend the Soviet Union therefore, in the Far East on the formation of the Soviet confrontation between.
In the Far East International background, the Soviet government in Japan launched the "918 incident", has evolved to never interfere with Japanese aid to China policy. From 1931 the "918 incident" to the "77" event in 1937, at this stage the Soviet Union implemented a non-interference policy. There are four reasons: from the time of the Soviet Union, the situation, implement the policy of non intervention is needed for their own strategic interests; secondly, the "918" incident has no direct threat to the interests of the Soviet Union; third, the Soviet national strength is not strong, especially the speed of economic development in the Far East region is extremely slow, which directly affects the Soviet Far East defense the Far East, and the Soviet Union extremely sensitive area, any growth factors of war in this area will pose a threat to the Soviet Union. In addition, we also should not ignore the fact that the Soviet Union when Kellogg is not War pact in view of the above four aspects, mainly adopt the neutral Soviet policy towards China's policy of non-interference. It will be not at all surprising non-interference policy is an important reason, is rooted in its own national egoism, which is out of its national strategic interests, trying to win a relatively peaceful the external environment for its policy of noninterference is a strategy for the Soviet Union international struggle, in order to avoid involvement in the conflict with Japan, although the policy of noninterference is a compromise, in order to avoid conflicts with Japan. At the same time, we must point out that the policy of non-interference of serious damage to the Chinese sovereignty and interests.
With the Japanese War of aggression against China step by step, the final outbreak of the "77" incident, the incident not only caused Chinese war the whole nation, the Soviet Union's policy has changed greatly. From 1937 77 to 1941 Sood incident broke out before the war, at this stage the Soviet Union's implementation of the policy of Japanese aid to China that is, not to interfere to unequivocally condemn, exposing the Japanese aggression, and actively Chinese aid to fight against Japanese invasion, gave a lot of positive Chinese, effective assistance, including moral support, loans, aid, sending military advisers and volunteers to provide technical assistance and so on. At this stage to the Soviet Union many aid Chinese, not only against the Japanese fascist invasion, but also greatly inspired the people's morale China in-depth analysis of the Soviet Union at this stage. The reason, implementation of aid policies can be seen, this is because the Japanese China attacked the Soviet Union, has been a serious threat to the safety of the Soviet Union reality, neutral policy does not reach the stop the Japanese provocation, to avoid the contradiction between China and Japan to Japan. The Soviet Union was in Korea for the build-up of troops, combat plans, and attempt to European anti Soviet political the power of the Soviet Union combined attack caused by formal battle. In the new situation of the international political situation, the implementation of Soviet aid policies in order to avoid things on two fronts. Take the China aid policy is to contain, weaken Japan, prevent war expansion, prevent Japanese north, avoid the Soviet Japanese war broke out. The Chinese war and. Japan's power consumption, the Japanese aggressors tightly bound hands and feet, try to delay the Soviet Japanese War, this is the special consideration of the Soviet Union.
In recent years, how to evaluate the Soviet policy towards China during the Anti Japanese War, many scholars have been arguing. The author thinks that the evaluation of Soviet policy towards China during the Anti Japanese War, in 1937 the "77 incident" for the sector. "77 incident" in the Soviet Union before the implementation of non intervention policy, is negative, the Soviet Union should be denied. No good implementation of the policy of non-interference in the process of interest, do not have a good grasp of the Japanese compromise, objectively make Japan to expand the insatiable, let go China aggression. And from the "77" event in 1937 to 1941 the outbreak of the war of the Soviet Union Sood aid policy is positive, the Soviet Union actively should be affirmed. And effectively aid Chinese resistance, enhance people's resistance to the Japanese invaders Chinese strength and confidence in the.20 century in 30s during the period of Anti Japanese War, the Soviet Union's China policy is extremely complex The formation of the historical background. It's aid to China has greatly encouraged the just struggle China people, and accelerated the overall victory of China's Anti Japanese war. This assistance from the subjective point of view, is the need for the Soviet Union's strategy, objectively speaking, it is not only to support the weak nation and the revolutionary war. At the same time as the Soviet Union to win the strategic initiative. At the same time, we should also realize soberly: assistance is a two-way, should not generally be regarded as "the Soviet aid given unilateral selfless". In this regard, we should not evade, not the Shifei too, should also be its historical position, it is more fair to the Soviet Union's China policy, reasonable evaluation.
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1 孙光明;单独抗战时期中德关系研究[D];西北师范大学;2012年