本文选题:中蒙经贸关系 + 现状 ; 参考:《内蒙古师范大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:蒙古国是亚洲中部的内陆国家,中国是蒙古国南方的重要邻国。蒙古国有丰富的矿藏储备、潜力巨大的投资市场,这对于现如今能源紧缺、国内市场需求不足的中国来说,发挥比较优势,加强与蒙古国的经贸合作,对于中国乃至蒙古国无疑是个双赢的选择。因此,研究冷战后中蒙经贸关系,,对于构建中蒙经贸发展的长效机制,建立互惠互利的经贸往来,推动两国经贸关系更好的发展具有一定现实意义。 本文通过对中蒙经贸关系的历史回顾以及两国当前经济发展情况分析,指出了中蒙经贸合作的现状,并且运用科学的研究方法和准确的数据描绘了其发展特点,对其发展前景进行了预测,在此基础上分析了中蒙两国经贸合作中存在的问题并提出了有效建议。 第一章对中蒙两国建交以来的双边经贸关系发展历程进行了简单的回顾,在此基础上梳理了中蒙两国的经济发展情况;第二章运用定性分析和定量分析等方法,对研究冷战后中蒙经贸合作的相关文献进行了梳理和分析,通过中国对蒙投资现状和中蒙两国贸易现状两方面分析了中蒙经贸合作现状;在第三章中系统的分析了自冷战结束以后中蒙经贸合作关系的特点,并且应用国际政治学理论中的“地缘政治学”和国际经济学理论中的“国际贸易理论”,对中蒙经贸关系发展特点进行了分析,并对其发展前景进行了预测;在第四章中指出了中蒙两国经贸合作中存在的问题并对其原因进行了分析,提出了行之有效的建议和发展思路。 本文通过上述几部分的分析研究,得出如下结论: 冷战后,从中蒙经贸合作各个领域的发展现状来看,无论是合作的广度还是深度都达到了较高的水平。利益的共性和经济的互补性,使得两国经贸合作发展前景良好。当然,冷战后的中蒙经贸合作中还存在若干问题,但一旦这些问题得以顺利克服解决,就可以转化为中蒙关系发展的动力,有可能形成一个新局面。
[Abstract]:Mongolia is a landlocked country in central Asia and China is an important neighbor of Mongolia to the south.Mongolia has rich mineral reserves and a huge investment market. For China, which is now in short supply of energy and insufficient domestic market demand, it has a comparative advantage to strengthen economic and trade cooperation with Mongolia.For China and even Mongolia is undoubtedly a win-win choice.Therefore, the study of Sino-Mongolian economic and trade relations after the Cold War is of practical significance for the establishment of a long-term mechanism for the development of Sino-Mongolian economy and trade, the establishment of mutually beneficial economic and trade exchanges, and the promotion of better economic and trade relations between the two countries.By reviewing the history of economic and trade relations between China and Mongolia and analyzing the current economic development of the two countries, this paper points out the present situation of economic and trade cooperation between China and Mongolia, and describes its development characteristics by using scientific research methods and accurate data.On this basis, the problems existing in the economic and trade cooperation between China and Mongolia are analyzed and some effective suggestions are put forward.The first chapter briefly reviews the development of bilateral economic and trade relations between China and Mongolia since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Mongolia, and on this basis combs the economic development of China and Mongolia; the second chapter uses qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, etc.This paper reviews and analyzes the relevant documents on Sino-Mongolian economic and trade cooperation after the Cold War, and analyzes the present situation of Sino-Mongolian economic and trade cooperation through the current situation of Chinese investment in Mongolia and the current situation of trade between China and Mongolia.The third chapter systematically analyzes the characteristics of Sino-Mongolian economic and trade cooperation since the end of the Cold War, and applies the theory of "geopolitics" in the theory of international politics and the theory of "international trade" in the theory of international economics.This paper analyzes the characteristics of the development of Sino-Mongolian economic and trade relations, and forecasts its development prospects. In the fourth chapter, it points out the problems existing in the economic and trade cooperation between China and Mongolia and analyzes the reasons for them.Some effective suggestions and development ideas are put forward.Through the analysis and research of the above several parts, the following conclusions are drawn:After the Cold War, the development of economic and trade cooperation between China and Mongolia has reached a high level both in scope and depth.The commonality of interests and the complementarity of the economy make the development of economic and trade cooperation between the two countries have a good prospect.Of course, there are still some problems in Sino-Mongolian economic and trade cooperation after the Cold War, but once these problems can be solved smoothly, they can be transformed into the motive force of the development of Sino-Mongolian relations, which may form a new situation.
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