本文选题:昭和天皇 + 田中内阁 ; 参考:《东北师范大学》2010年硕士论文
【摘要】: 裕仁在即位之前经历了5年的摄政期,培养了对大权的自觉以及对政治的理解。同时,宫中也形成了以牧野伸显为中心的政治辅导集团,与元老协调并为裕仁后来实现政治意思表达提供了途径。昭和天皇即位不久,政界实现了首次“宪政常道”下的内阁更迭,田中内阁成立。围绕着事务官问题、朝鲜台湾总督更迭问题,田中内阁所行的政党政治惯例与天皇权威的自觉之间产生了落差,但二者关系仍在宪法体制下得以维持。经过1928年的普选,相继发生了铃木内相失言、久原入阁以及水野文相事件等政局变动。由于田中首相的行事作风,天皇对内阁的观感逐渐消极,二者关系趋于紧张。在天皇政治意思的实现过程中,内大臣、元老的政界沟通与协调发挥了重要作用。而在爆杀张作霖一事的处理中,鉴于田中首相作出的前后不一上奏,天皇在宫中集团的支持下斥责田中,致其辞职。总的来讲,昭和天皇不是完全被动的接受内阁辅弼,而是在宫中集团的支持与协助下有充分自觉的能动主体,但囿于对宪法的遵守、政治惯例的约束,天皇并不能尽伸其志,这也使总揽一切大权的天皇表现出一定的立宪色彩。但田中内阁对于天皇干预的默认、甚至对天皇权威的利用,都对政党政治本身产生了破坏性作用。天皇的政治性作用,在纠正政党政治弊端的同时,也会阻碍政党政治的发展。
[Abstract]:Hirohito went through a five-year regency period before taking over the throne, cultivating a sense of power and understanding of politics. At the same time, Miyazhong also formed a political guidance group centered on Miyano, which coordinated with the elders and provided a way for Hirohito to realize the expression of political will. Soon after Emperor Showa came to power, the government changed its cabinet for the first time, and Tanaka formed the cabinet. Around the issue of official affairs, the change of governor in Taiwan, the difference between the political convention of political party and the consciousness of the emperor's authority in Tanaka cabinet, but the relationship between them is still maintained under the constitutional system. After the general election in 1928, Suzuki went on to make a faux pas, Kuhara entered the cabinet, and the incident of Yueno Suzuki and other political changes. As a result of Prime Minister Tanaka's style of conduct, the emperor's perception of the cabinet gradually became negative, and the relationship between the two became tense. In the process of realizing the emperor's political meaning, the political communication and coordination between the minister and the elders played an important role. In the handling of the bombing and killing of Zhang Zuolin, in view of the inconsistency made by Prime Minister Tanaka, the emperor, with the support of the Miyazhong Group, chided Tanaka for his resignation. On the whole, Emperor Chaohe did not accept the cabinet assistance completely passively, but with the support and assistance of the Gong Zhong Group, he had a fully conscious and active subject. However, because of the observance of the Constitution and the constraints of political conventions, the emperor was unable to extend his ambition. This also makes the emperor of all powers show a certain constitutional color. But Tanaka's acquiescence to the emperor's intervention, and even the use of his authority, have had a damaging effect on party politics itself. The political role of the emperor not only corrects the abuses of party politics, but also hinders the development of party politics.
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