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发布时间:2018-05-08 20:34

  本文选题:地方主义 + 国家政策 ; 参考:《北京大学》2000年博士论文

【摘要】:加拿大是一个地方主义非常严重的国家,近年来海内外学者对魁北克分离主义的关注掩盖了加拿大其他地区地方主义的色彩。其实,加拿大西部地方主义因其持久性和独特性同样值得我们关注和研究。自哈得逊湾公司将鲁伯特地区转让给加拿大自治领之时起,地方主义就在西部开始孕育,1869年路易·里埃尔领导的红河聚居区起义是西部地方主义的首次公开表现。自此以后,西部各种形式的地方主义就没有间断过:在二战以前有西部各省争取平等权利的运动、以民粹主义为思想武器的农场主的斗争和第三党运动,而战后则有省内建设和经济多样化运动、能源控制权的斗争、以及八十年代前后风行一时的分裂主义和至今仍然活跃的改革党等。因此,地方主义不仅与与本地区的发展息息相关,而且还是了解西部加拿大发展的一把钥匙。 本文即力图通过考察加拿大西部地方主义产生的历史背景和发展变化的历程,探讨西部地方主义长盛不衰的原因,并进而以西部地方主义为范例,研究整个加拿大地方主义盛行、联邦主义衰微的机制性因素,寻找西部乃至整个加拿大走出地方主义园囿之路。从而加深我们对西部加拿大的了解,弄清西部离心主义与魁北克分离主义的区别,探索加拿大未来发展的道路,同时,推动我国与西部加拿大的经济文化交流,吸取加拿大西部发展的经验和教训,为我国西部的开发和建设提供借鉴。
[Abstract]:Canada is a very serious country of localism. In recent years, the attention of scholars at home and abroad to Quebec separatism has concealed the color of regionalism in other parts of Canada. In fact, western Canadian regionalism is worth our attention and research because of its persistence and uniqueness. Regionalism began to breed in the west when Hudson Bay transferred Rupert to the Canadian Dominion, and the Red River uprising led by Louis Riel in 1869 was the first public manifestation of western regionalism. Since then, the various forms of regionalism in the west have not stopped: before the second world war, there were movements for equal rights in the western provinces, the struggle of populist farmers and the third party movement. After the war, there were provincial construction and economic diversification movements, the struggle for energy control, the splittism prevailing around the 1980s and the still active reformist party. Therefore, regionalism is not only closely related to the development of the region, but also a key to understanding the development of western Canada. This paper attempts to explore the reasons for the persistence of western regionalism by examining the historical background and the course of its development and change in western Canada, and then takes the western regionalism as an example. This paper studies the institutional factors of the prevalence of localism and the decline of federalism in Canada, and seeks the way out of the localism of the western and even the whole of Canada. In order to deepen our understanding of western Canada, to make clear the difference between Western centrifugalism and Quebec separatism, to explore the way for Canada's future development, and to promote economic and cultural exchanges between China and western Canada. Draw lessons from the development of western Canada, and provide reference for the development and construction of western China.


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