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发布时间:2018-05-16 06:06

  本文选题:朝鲜人 + 满洲 ; 参考:《延边大学》2013年博士论文

【摘要】:1617年,后金发动萨尔浒战役,俘获前来援助明朝的15000名朝鲜军人。1627(丁卯)年,后金发动侵朝战争,掳掠大量朝鲜人。1636(丙子)年,后金改称清国后再次发动侵朝战争,掳掠几十万名朝鲜人。其中,一部分或被杀,或被赎还,或被编入八旗,绝大部分则沦为女真贵族的家奴。1677年,清朝统一中国大陆后对满洲实行封禁政策,阻止中国其他民族进入,并严禁朝鲜人“犯越”,尤其是对“满族祖先发祥地”的长白山一带严加防范。与此同时,朝鲜也制定相应的政策,严厉处置“犯越”者和有关地方官员,甚至处死被清朝刷还的“犯越”人。但是,由于朝鲜人生活窘困,加之朝鲜和清朝的边界不明确,冒禁“犯越”的现象从未停止过。1712年,朝鲜和清朝官员共同查边,在长白山上竖立定界碑,将图们江和鸭绿江确定为两国的国界。尽管如此,朝鲜人的“犯越”现象依然不绝如缕。 19世纪中叶后,清朝迫于制止沙俄南下的需要,开始逐渐废除对满洲的封禁政策,代之以移民实边政策。与此同时,朝鲜北部地区连续发生自然灾害,更多的朝鲜人“犯越”迁入满洲定居。于是,在鸭绿江和图们江北岸开始形成了规模不等的朝鲜人聚居区。清政府对在满朝鲜人实行民族同化政策,进行残酷的压迫和剥削。1910年日本吞并朝鲜后,更多的朝鲜人被迫迁入满洲。于是,朝鲜移民在图们江、鸭绿江流域的中国境内更大规模地开垦荒地,试种水田,满洲朝鲜人社会初步形成。 1931年日本侵占满洲后,为了将满洲建成侵略战争基地,在朝鲜实行集团移民、集合移民和分散开拓移民政策,强迫大量朝鲜人迁入满洲。中国地方封建军阀继承清王朝的民族同化政策,残酷压迫和剥削在满朝鲜人,甚至视他们为日本侵略满洲的“马前卒”,实行严厉的驱逐政策。日本侵略者则给在满朝鲜人强加“双重国籍”,对他们实行“统制与利用”政策。不仅如此,日帝对在满朝鲜人实行“安全农村”、“集团部落”政策和“自耕农创定计划”,使在满朝鲜人陆续增加,朝鲜人社会也随之扩大。后来,日帝对在满朝鲜人实行“统制与安定”政策,政治上实行法西斯统治,妄图彻底消灭朝鲜人抗日武装;经济上实施残酷剥削,致使越来越多的朝鲜人农民沦为佃农或半佃农,过着十分贫寒的生活;文化上抹杀朝鲜民族的历史与文化,以泯灭其反抗精神。 尽管如此,在满朝鲜人在帝国主义、封建主义和官僚资本主义的多重压迫和剥削下,创建私立学校,开展反日民族教育,传承和发扬民族文化,培养反日人才,坚持不懈地开展了各种形式的反帝反封建斗争。 1931年“九·一八事变”后,韩国独立军、朝鲜革命军等反日民族主义武装在南北满地区联合其他抗日武装,与日伪军继续进行英勇战斗,消灭了大量敌军。与此同时,在满朝鲜共产主义者在中国共产党的领导下,与中国人民一起建立抗日武装队伍和抗日游击根据地,转战广袤的满洲各地,最终取得了抗日战争的伟大胜利。1945年日本投降后,100余万朝鲜人陆续回国,其余的则继续留在中国,与中国人民共同夺取新民主主义革命的最终胜利。 朝鲜人的满洲迁入史,是朝鲜民族海外迁入史的有机组成部分,也是朝鲜民族整个历史不可或缺的重要一页。在满朝鲜人自迁入伊始,用勤劳的双手开垦了大量荒地,并成功开发了大量水田,为满洲地区的开发以及农业生产结构的变化和农业生产的发展作出了重要贡献。不仅如此,在满朝鲜人为争取民族独立同日本侵略者进行了艰苦卓绝的斗争,为中国抗日战争的胜利和朝鲜民族的独立建立了不朽的功勋,在朝鲜民族海外迁入史上谱写了光辉灿烂的篇章。
[Abstract]:In 1617 , the Houjin launched the campaign of Salmo , and captured the 15,000 North Korean soldiers who came to help the Ming Dynasty . In 1627 ( Ding Mao ) , the latter launched a war to capture a large number of Koreans . In 1677 , after the Qing Dynasty consolidated the Chinese mainland , it launched a feudal policy to stop the entry of hundreds of thousands of Koreans . At the same time , the DPRK and the Qing Dynasty carried out feudal policies to prevent other ethnic groups from entering . In the same time , the DPRK and the Qing Dynasty established a border pillar on the Changbai Mountain and established the Tumen River and the Yalu River as the national borders of the two countries .

In the middle of the 19th century , the Qing Dynasty forced to stop the need of sand and Russia , and began to gradually abolish the feudal policy of Manchu . At the same time , the north of North Korea began to gradually abolish the policy of ethnic assimilation . At the same time , more Koreans were forced to move into Manchu . After the annexation of North Korea in 1910 , more Koreans were forced to move into Manchu . After the annexation of North Korea in 1910 , more Koreans were forced to move into Manchu .

In 1931 , after Japan invaded the uria , in order to build an aggressive war base in Manzhou , to force a large number of Koreans to move into Manchu . The Chinese local feudal warlords succeeded in imposing " dual nationality " on the Korean people and imposing strict eviction policies . Japanese invaders imposed " dual nationality " on the Korean people , and the Korean society expanded .
The economic implementation of cruel exploitation has resulted in an increasing number of Korean farmers becoming tenant farmers or semi - tenant farmers , living a very poor life ;
The culture will wipe out the history and culture of the Korean nation in order to destroy its spirit of resistance .

Nevertheless , in the case of the multiple oppression and exploitation of Korean people in imperialism , feudalism and bureaucracy , the establishment of private schools , the development of anti - Japanese national education , the inheritance and promotion of national culture , the cultivation of anti - Japanese talents , the persistence of various forms of anti - imperialist and anti - feudal struggle .

At the same time , under the leadership of the Communist Party of China , the Korean Independent Army , the North Korean Revolutionary Army and other anti - Japanese nationalist forces continued to fight with the Japanese puppet troops to wipe out a great deal of enemy troops . At the same time , under the leadership of the Communist Party of China , the Communist Party of Korea has won the great victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan . At the same time , after the surrender of Japan in 1945 , over 1 million Koreans returned home , while the rest continued to remain in China , together with the Chinese people to win the final victory of the new - democratic revolution .

It is an integral part of North Korea ' s national overseas migration history , which is an integral part of the whole history of the Korean nation . It has made great contributions to the development of the whole country and the development of agricultural production structure and the development of agricultural production .



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1 尹铉哲;唐烈;;浅析《三矢协定》[J];社科纵横;2014年09期




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