发布时间:2018-05-21 06:37
本文选题:魏玛共和国 + 美国因素 ; 参考:《武汉大学》2006年博士论文
【摘要】: 在德国历史上,魏玛共和国是一个存在时间虽短、但具有鲜明特色的历史时期,也是德国历史上第一个资产阶级共和国。几十年来,魏玛共和国崩溃的原因引起了学者们广泛的关注,许多学者给出了不同的答案。本文主要分析了美国因素对魏玛共和国兴衰的影响。论文按魏玛共和国历史演进阶段,分别论述了美国与魏玛共和国建立、美国与魏玛共和国初期危机以及相对稳定时期和瓦解的关系。 第一章分析了美国与魏玛共和国建立的关系。在美国历史上,威尔逊总统以其“理想主义”外交著称。美国投身第一次世界大战武力竞技场,决定了德国军事冒险失败的结局。在德国战争失败已成定局的情况下,德国最高统帅部表示愿意在威尔逊“十四点计划”等原则的基础上,同美国和协约国停战和讲和。威尔逊不断增加的德国政治民主化的要求,不仅推动了德国宪政改革,而且将德国专制制度的象征——威廉二世押上了历史的前台。威尔逊帮助开启了德国“十一月革命”的进程,在某种程度上,威尔逊扮演了德帝国的“掘墓人”以及魏玛共和国的“催生婆”双重角色。 在巴黎和会上,欧美列强围绕战后和平安排和对德和约进行了激烈的争斗,威尔逊在殖民地、德国赔偿等一系列问题上违背了“十四点计划”等的承诺。《凡尔赛和约》将魏玛共和国与耻辱的战败、巨大的民族灾难联系在一起,严重败坏了共和国和魏玛民主的声誉,造成了共和国深重的合法性危机。 《魏玛宪法》号称当时世界上最民主的宪法。在公民基本权利、联邦制度、民选总统等方面,美国宪政给《魏玛宪法》打下了深刻的印记。德国革命并未伴随经济基础和社会结构的重大变化,《魏玛宪法》赋予的广泛民主权力成为反共和国、反民主势力合法向共和国发动进攻的有效保护伞。联邦制度下德国国家体制的潜在危机、二元制议会制下议会、总统相互制衡的失衡和权力向总统的倾斜的隐忧,为共和国的开幕曲唱响了不祥之音。 第二章论述了美国政策对魏玛共和国初期危机的影响。 美国共和党政府在国际事务中奉行“独立的国际主义”,避免对欧洲政治卷入和安全承诺,对德国和欧洲醉心于推行以非官方为主体的经济外交。美国拒绝对欧洲的安全作出保证,强化了法国对安全的忧虑以及对德国推行挤压政策的决心;美国保护主义的商业政策,加深了战后欧洲经济恢复和发展的困难;美国坚持向欧洲国家索债,给战后初期经济困难的欧洲增添了新的负担,反过来增加了欧洲协约国向德国榨取苛重赔偿的压力,美国对德国赔偿干预乏力,不能阻止欧洲协约国、特别是法国在赔偿问题上的冒险行动。从威尔逊执政后期到柯立芝总统当政初期,美国欧洲外交的实践活动在某种种程度上推动了德国赔偿危机的爆发,深化了共和国初期的危机。 鲁尔危机将魏玛共和国推向了经济濒于崩溃,社会全面瓦解、政治严重危机的深渊,共和国出现了严重的生存危机。 第三章分析了美国与魏玛共和国相对稳定的关系和对德国的影响。重大的挫折孕育重大的转机。1923年冬,美国开始运用美国强大的财政资本力量,较积极地介入赔偿问题。《道威斯计划》、《洛迦诺公约》相继诞生,整个欧洲和战后资本主义世界进入了相对稳定时期。 《道威斯计划》是魏玛共和国的一场经济改革运动,它推动共和国出现了“世界经济史中最壮观的一次复兴”。经济的发展为政治稳定创造了条件,共和国迎来了历史发展的“金色的二十年代”。 相对稳定时期,“美国主义”在德国风靡一时,但生产合理化、福特制的美国生产方式并不能完全解决德国的经济和社会等问题。生产合理化无法消除建立在私有制基础上劳资之间围绕社会财富分配所产生的冲突,资本集团、尤其是重工业资本家对“福利国家”“工会国家”的猛烈攻击,不断融蚀着建立在劳资等妥协基础上的不稳定的魏玛共和国和民主政治的基础。美国大众文化的风行带来了德国传统文化的衰落,德国文化民族主义者、文化保守主义者等对美国大众文化、“美国主义”、美国文明的批判,加深了德国政治、思想和文化的混乱。德国右翼知识分子在社会和文化领域掀起了新“保守革命”,成为纳粹主义的重要思想来源和魏玛共和国的掘墓人。 20世纪20年代中期,美元源源不断地流向德国。德国社会内部围绕美元贷款的控制、用途的争论,使相对稳定时期德国政局和社会关系进一步复杂化。与此同时,贷款成为德国与美国赔偿总管之间争执的中心,它与赔偿问题联系在一起,带来了对《道威斯计划》的修正,《杨格计划》应运而生。《杨格计划》的运行建立在德国经济发展的乐观估计基础上,30年代的大危机很快击破了这一梦想。 第四章论述了肇始于美国的大萧条对魏玛共和国瓦解的影响。一战对欧洲经济霸权的严重冲击、战后欧洲(尤其是德国)对美国严重的财政依赖、战后错综复杂的战债和赔偿问题交织在一起,恶化了20年代国际金融机制。美国纽约股市的黑色风暴迅速席卷了德国及整个世界,德国成为遭受危机打击最重的欧洲国家。 由美国肇始的经济危机引发了德国严重的的财政危机和议会民主政治的危机,社民党米勒大联合政府内部以社民党和人民党为代表、以及工会与工业界之间围绕福利政策、特别是失业保险产生了激烈争执。米勒大联合内阁的倒台标志着建立在议会多数基础上的政府一去不复返了。 布吕宁“总统制内阁“将外交放在优先地位,企图通过通货紧缩政策达到摆脱《凡尔赛和约》,抑制纳粹党等极右翼势力滋长,巩固国内统治,实现经济和政治重组的目的。 但布吕宁的外交优先战略得不到美国的配合,美国倾向于温和修约政策,一直在战债和赔偿问题上持僵硬立场。美国政府的政策击破了布吕宁在外交舞台上尽速获得成功的希望,削弱了布吕宁政府的统治。 紧缩政策加重了经济危机和人民的苦难,将无数大危机的受害者、尤其是中产阶级推向了以德国极端民族主义和“社会主义”进行政治投机的极右翼势力的行列。大工业家、容克地主、国防军纷纷抛弃布吕宁,使之成为宫廷政变的牺牲品。布吕宁的倒台构成了魏玛民主崩溃的真正转折点,随着巴本内阁的上台,打开了希特勒争夺最高权利的道路,魏玛共和国终于化为历史的陈迹。
[Abstract]:In the history of Germany , the Weimar Republic is a historical period with distinctive features , but it is the first bourgeois republic in Germany . For the past few decades , the reasons for the collapse of the Weimar Republic have attracted extensive attention from scholars . Many scholars have given different answers . This paper mainly analyzes the influence of American factors on the rise and decline of Weimar Republic . In the historical evolution stage of Weimar Republic , this paper discusses the relations between the United States and the Weimar Republic , the crisis in the United States and the Weimar Republic , and the relative stability period and disintegration .
The first chapter analyzes the relationship between the United States and the Weimar Republic . In the history of the United States , President Wilson is known for his " idealism " diplomacy . In the event of the defeat of the German war , the supreme command of Germany expressed its willingness to stop and speak with the United States and the United States .
At the Paris Peace Conference , the United States and the United States strongly fought around the post - war peace arrangements and the fierce fighting against Germany , Wilson said in a series of issues , such as colonial and German compensation .
The German revolution is not accompanied by major changes in economic and social structures . The German revolution is not accompanied by major changes in economic and social structures . The German revolution is not accompanied by major changes in the economic base and social structure . The potential crisis of the German national system under the federal system , the imbalance between the parliament and the president , and the inclination of the president .
The second chapter discusses the influence of American policy on the early crisis of Weimar Republic .
America ' s commitment to security in Europe and its determination to impose a squeeze policy on Germany have been deepened by the U.S . government ' s commitment to security concerns and its commitment to Germany ' s economic recovery and development . The U.S . ' s insistence on debt to European countries has deepened the European Union ' s economic recovery and development . In the early stages of the post - war European Union , the U.S . diplomatic practice in Europe has contributed to the outbreak of the German compensation crisis and deepened the crisis in the early Republic of the Republic .
The Ruhr crisis has pushed the Weimar Republic towards the abyss of economic and imminent collapse , full disintegration of society and a serious political crisis , and the Republic has experienced a serious crisis of survival .
The third chapter analyzes the relative stability of the United States and the Weimar Republic and its influence on Germany . Major setbacks have spawned a major turning machine . In the winter of 1923 , the United States began to use the powerful financial capital force of the United States to intervene positively in the compensation problem .
It is a campaign of economic reform in the Weimar Republic , which promotes the Republic ' s " most spectacular renaissance in the history of the world economy " . The development of the economy creates conditions for political stability and the Republic welcomes the " golden 1920s " of historical development .
During the period of relative stability , " Americanism " is the rage in Germany , but the production rationalization and Ford ' s American means of production do not fully solve the problems of German economy and society .
In the middle of the 20th century , the United States dollar was flowing steadily towards Germany . The German society was further complicated by the control and use of US dollar loans . At the same time , the loan became the centre of the dispute between Germany and the United States Compensation Commission .
Chapter Four discusses the influence of the Great Depression , which began in the United States , on the collapse of the Weimar Republic . The war is a serious shock to the European economic hegemony . After the war in Europe ( especially Germany ) , the severe financial dependence of the United States and the complex war debt and compensation problem have worsened the international financial mechanism in the 1920s . Black storms in the New York stock market quickly swept the Germany and the whole world , and Germany became the heaviest European country to hit the crisis .
The economic crisis started by the United States led to a serious financial crisis in Germany and a crisis in parliamentary democracy , with the SPD and the People ' s Party as their representatives , as well as a heated debate between trade unions and industry around welfare policies , particularly unemployment insurance . The collapse of the Miller ' s coalition cabinet marked the return of the government on the majority of the parliament .
" The presidential cabinet " put the diplomacy on top priority , and tried to get rid of the country ' s ultra - right - wing forces , such as the Nazi Party , through the policy of deflation , and to consolidate domestic rule and realize economic and political restructuring . But Br眉ning ' s diplomatic priorities are not matched by the United States , and the United States is inclined to moderate the policy and has been a stiff stand on the issue of debt and compensation . The U.S . government ' s policy has broken the hopes of Mr . Brewer ' s success in the diplomatic arena , weakening the government ' s rule . The austerity measures have exacerbated the economic crisis and the suffering of the people and pushed the victims of numerous crises , especially the middle class , to the extreme right - wing forces of political speculation in Germany ' s extreme nationalism and " socialism " . The downfall of Mr . Br眉ning constitutes a real turning point for the collapse of the Weimar Democratic Republic , which has opened up the road of Hitler ' s struggle for the highest rights , and the Republic of Weimar has finally translated into history .
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