发布时间:2018-05-27 17:10
本文选题:参勤交代 + 大名 ; 参考:《东北师范大学》2009年硕士论文
【摘要】: 德川幕府时期,以“幕藩制”为统治体制,通过将军对大名、大名对下属家臣武士的层层分封确立集权和分权。在这种体制下,将军与大名之间是“御恩”和“奉公”的主从契约关系,维护这一体制和这种主从契约关系最重要的就是加强对大名的统御力。在诸项强化措施中,最具实效的一项是“参勤交代制度”。 参勤交代制度自1615年在《武家诸法度》中初次出现之后,逐渐开始走向制度化。1635年,德川3代将军时完成制度化。制度化之后的参勤交代,从参勤内容、大名行列规模到交代时间、江户人质等各个方面都进行了详细规定,制度范围也由最初的只限外样大名扩展到全国大名,作为幕府政治统制的根基性制度,代代相承,被奉之为“祖法”。参勤交代规定:大名携带与身分相应的一定数量的家臣武士定期到江户值勤,完成幕府派摊的各种任务,并与其他大名交替在江户居住,大名妻子和嫡长子作为人质长期居住于江户的大名藩邸中。 这些制度内容,每一项都体现了幕府试图加强对大名的统制的政治意向。大名的江户驻留和人质设置,使大名完全被置于幕府的监督控制之下;频繁往返于江户和领国之间的交替参勤,迫使大名不得不疏于藩政;同时,两地交替的双重生活也使大名在经济上承受了巨大负担。经粗略统计,自参勤交代开始实行以来,平均各藩年财政收入的60%左右都耗费在了参勤交代上。因此,幕府的这一措施不仅限制了诸藩势力的扩张,强化了对大名的政治统制,更有效地控制了大名经济,并且直接导致了各藩的财政困难,一定程度地阻断了各藩对抗幕府的可能性。使得即使在幕府将军极度的权力重压之下,在参勤交代实行的二百多年间,德川幕府的统治依然安稳,虽有过浪人武士骚乱,但无一大名起来反抗。 本文以史实为依据,通过对若干个案的研究,提取藩财政中参勤交代费用所占比例,就参勤交代对藩财政的影响进行分析,得出结论:参勤交代削弱了大名经济实力,而大名经济实力的弱化促成了对大名的政治统制的强化。
[Abstract]:During the period of Tokugawa shogunate, the system of "curtain vassal system" was used to establish centralization and separation of powers. In this system, the relationship between the general and his name is the principal and subordinate contract. The most important thing to maintain this system is to strengthen the control over the name. Among these measures, one of the most effective is the system of attendance and accountability. Since the first appearance of the system in the "Wushu Dharma" in 1615, the system has gradually started to be institutionalized. In 1635, Tokugawa completed the institutionalization of three generations of generals. After institutionalization, all aspects such as the contents of attendance, the ranks and ranks of large names to the time of account, the Edo hostage and so on have been specified in detail, and the scope of the system has also been extended from the original name to the national name. As the basic system of the shogunate's political control, it was handed down from generation to generation. Shen Qin's instructions: Danames carry a certain number of courtiers corresponding to their status on duty in Edo regularly to complete various tasks of the shogunate, and live in Edo alternately with other names. The wife and eldest son lived as hostages in the Daming Mansion of Edo for a long time. Each of these systems reflects the shogunate's political intent to strengthen its control over the name. Daming's presence and hostage-setting completely placed him under the supervision and control of the shogunate; frequent alternate visits to and from Edo and neighbouring countries forced him to neglect the vassal government; at the same time, The alternate life between the two places also made Daming bear a huge economic burden. According to rough statistics, 60% of the average annual financial income of each vassal has been spent on the attendance account since the introduction of the Shunqin account. Therefore, this measure of the shogunate not only restricted the expansion of the forces of Zhufan, strengthened the political control over Daming, more effectively controlled the economy of Daming, but also directly led to the financial difficulties of various vassals. To some extent, the possibility of opposing the shogunate was blocked. Even under the extreme weight of power of the shogunate, the Tokugawa shogunate's rule remained stable for more than two hundred years under the shogun's account, although there had been rogue samurai riots, none of them rose up against it. On the basis of historical facts, through the study of several cases, this paper extracts the proportion of the cost of participation and attendance account in the financial system, and analyzes the influence of this account on the financial system. The conclusion is that this account weakens the economic strength of Daming name. The weakening of the economic power of Daming has contributed to the strengthening of the political control of Daming.
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1 秦贝贝;日本江户时代的大名留守居制与参勤交代制度[D];华东政法大学;2011年
2 刘娴;德川幕藩制度研究[D];西南政法大学;2011年
3 燕青;浅探浮世绘中的町人主情主义伦理[D];东北师范大学;2011年