本文选题:拜占廷 + 研究生培养 ; 参考:《社会科学家》2014年02期
[Abstract]:The interview mainly involves the construction of Byzantine study in China, which is divided into two aspects: one is about the cultivation of the reserve talents of Byzantine study in China, that is, the doctorate and master's graduate students; The second is about the research trend of Byzantine history and culture in China. Professor Chen introduced the various efforts made by Nankai University, which is the center of Byzantine research in China, in the area of talent training, and proposed that students should be strictly guided in their research work in line with the "Sanyuan" principle. And strengthen the joint training mechanism with international first-class institutions. Professor Chen also talked in detail about the development and progress of Byzantine research in China and the existing problems, and put forward some problems in the development of Byzantine study in our country which are still in the foundation stage. When he talked about Professor Chen's academic methods, he laughed that he did not deliberately distinguish between big and small problems in Byzantine history and culture, but instead focused on choosing some of the "good" ones. That is, those who can reflect the development of Byzantine history of the essence of the key issues. Based on his academic experience for many years, he discussed the experience of strengthening the consciousness of problem and choosing the starting point of research. He stressed that it is hoped that the young Byzantine scholars in our country will make great efforts to explore, make bold innovations, and gradually form a Byzantine interpretation theory system with Chinese characteristics in the future. And then express the unique views of Chinese scholars on the development of Byzantine history in the international Byzantine Forum.
【作者单位】: 南开大学历史学院;社会科学家杂志社;
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