本文选题:俄国 + 欧亚主义 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2010年博士论文
【摘要】: 欧亚主义是20世纪20年代初在俄国侨民知识分子当中产生的一个政治思想流派,并且20年代中期具有了运动的性质。后来由于内部发生分裂等原因,到了30年代只作为一个学术流派存在,以至于30年代末归于沉寂。半个世纪后,在苏联解体前欧亚主义又复兴,90年代中期俄罗斯社会掀起了一场“欧亚主义热潮”。欧亚主义无论其产生还是复兴,都是在俄国社会发生根本变革的历史关键时刻而展现的,由此可见欧亚主义是和自己祖国的命运联系在一起的。欧亚主义出现的真正动因和目的,就是一些流落他乡的俄国知识界精英殚精竭虑、上下求索,努力为俄国找到一条真正属于自己的道路。 本文研究重点是古典欧亚主义,主要从历史研究的角度,深入分析其产生的社会背景和思想渊源,全面研究这一思潮包括在其指导下的社会运动整个历史过程;着重阐述几个方面思想观;同时努力对欧亚主义做总体的评价。欧亚主义者在诸多论述方面有合理性,但也存在严重的片面性和极端性。总的来说,欧亚主义是俄罗斯思想发展史不可缺少的阶段,对其研究不仅有着重要的学术意义,而且也有着重要的实际意义。
[Abstract]:Eurasia is a political school of thought that emerged among the Russian diaspora intellectuals in the early 1920s and had the nature of movement in the middle of the 1920s. Later, due to internal division and other reasons, only existed as an academic school in the 1930s, so that the late 1930s fell silent. Half a century later, before the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Eurasia revived in the mid-1990s Russian society set off a "Eurasian fever". Eurasia, whether it was born or revived, was displayed at the crucial time of the fundamental change in Russian society, which shows that Eurasia is associated with the fate of its own country. The real reason and purpose of Eurasia's emergence is that some Russian intellectual elites who are living in other places are trying their best to find their own way for Russia. This paper focuses on classical Eurasia, mainly from the perspective of historical research, in-depth analysis of its social background and ideological origin, a comprehensive study of this trend of thought, including under its guidance of the entire historical process of social movement; At the same time, we try to evaluate Eurasia as a whole. Eurasians are reasonable in many aspects, but also serious one-sidedness and extreme. In general, Eurasia is an indispensable stage in the history of Russian thought development, and its research has not only important academic significance, but also important practical significance.
相关期刊论文 前10条
1 马斯林·M.A;陈红;;欧亚主义:俄罗斯学的百科全书[J];苏州大学学报(哲学社会科学版);2011年04期
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