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发布时间:2018-06-02 02:43

  本文选题:冷战 + 美国 ; 参考:《南开大学》2013年博士论文

【摘要】:阿富汗是亚洲的内陆山国,毗邻多个大国和中东能源蕴藏区,具有重要的战略地位。19世纪的英俄竞争塑造了阿富汗的缓冲国地位;冷战后,美国和苏联又展开新一轮竞争,诱发了1979年苏联入侵阿富汗的战争。在历史和现实中,美国是阿富汗事态发展最重要的外部因素之一。冷战初期,美国对阿富汗的政策对于整个冷战时期和冷战结束后美国——阿富汗关系和阿富汗事件的发展是至关重要的,基于此,本文系统、深入地剖析了冷战初期即杜鲁门和艾森豪威尔政府对阿富汗政策的形成、内容、演变、特点和影响等问题,试图揭示杜鲁门和艾森豪威尔政府的对阿政策对冷战时期美国的阿富汗政策的奠基性作用,并探析美国的政策与1979年阿富汗战争的关联性。 论文共分5章,围绕四个方面内容展开论述。 第一部分内容是美国对阿政策与美阿关系的历史回顾,总结了从19世纪中期到二战期间美国对阿政策的变迁和两国关系的发展脉络。美国与阿富汗的最早接触发生于19世纪的民间层次。1921年是美阿关系的转折点,阿富汗政府代表团访问美国,试图与美国建立正式外交关系,拉开了两国官方关系的帷幕。美国反应冷淡。不过,两国的官方接触由此保持下来,此后,阿富汗坚持谋求与美国建交的努力。由于国内外局势的变化,美国调整了对阿冷淡政策,1936年与阿富汗正式建交,1942年开设常驻性使馆,两国关系进入新的历史篇章。二战爆发后,美国对阿政策面临来自轴心国的压力。与此同时,美国与苏联在阿富汗的竞争性局面初步显现,苏联极力阻止西方势力进入阿富汗北部地区。在双边关系发展过程中,美国和阿富汗的政策有较大差异,阿富汗高度热情,体现了它试图将美国作为力量平衡者和援助来源者的利益认知。30年代后,美国对阿政策的调整体现了美国要在阿富汗保持一定影响以平衡其他大国势力的利益认知。这种平衡外交和均势政策在冷战期间被美国施用于苏联。但在20世纪上半期,由于利益有限、信息不足,及英国的制约,美国对阿政策发展总体上是缓慢的。 第二部分内容主要阐述了杜鲁门政府对阿富汗的政策。1947年冷战爆发,包括阿富汗在内的南亚被裹挟进美苏竞争的大潮中。冷战为美国对阿政策开启了新的时代背景,二战前的多国竞争局面演变为美苏两极争夺。南亚不是美国战略重点,阿富汗没能引起杜鲁门政府的重视。但基于历史传承和阿苏接壤的特点,杜鲁门政府对阿富汗开展了有限的行动:一是在外交上,1946年支持阿富汗加入联合国,使其更快地融入西方主导的国际秩序,则既可凭借国际社会的力量制约苏联的活动,也可使国际社会分担美国在阿富汗的投入;二是在“第四点计划”指导下对阿富汗予以有限的经济援助,但多次拒绝了阿富汗提供军事援助的要求。总之,在冷战的新背景下,杜鲁门政府对阿政策体系尚未成型,对在阿富汗欲达成的政策目的和对阿富汗的战略定位模糊不清,美国政策的基本特点可以概括为“不亲不弃”。杜鲁门政府对阿政策受多种因素的影响,苏联对阿政策的平淡与阿富汗国内共产主义势力的极其弱小是关键性因素之一,缺乏苏联和共产主义的刺激,美国对阿政策明显动力不足。 第三部分内容是论文重点,全面剖析了两届总统任期内(19531961年)艾森豪威尔政府对阿富汗政策的形成、调整及其影响。1953年,美国、苏联和阿富汗同时发生领导人变更,各国调整对外政策,深刻影响了美国的对阿政策。穆罕默德·达乌德任阿富汗首相后,将经济现代化作为首要战略,同时推行对巴基斯坦的强硬政策,激化“普什图尼斯坦争端”,使美国面临的南亚局势复杂化;赫鲁晓夫提出“和平竞赛”,加强对第三世界国家的外交和援助,努力打破美国在南亚—中东构建的对苏军事包围,阿富汗是其重要目标之一。1955年,赫鲁晓夫等人访问阿富汗,苏联的经济、军事和人员援助开始大规模进入阿富汗,给美国造成了巨大压力。因应苏联对阿政策的急进式发展,艾森豪威尔政府以“大平衡”战略为指导,强调协调盟国间关系,加强对第三世界国家的争夺,致力于在阿富汗遏制苏联。50年代中期,美国提出“杜勒斯计划”,推动“北层国家”建立反苏军事同盟,阿富汗成为美国争取的对象之一。但阿富汗坚持中立主义外交传统,拒绝了美国。对阿外交受挫促使艾森豪威尔重评了对阿政策,以NSC5409等系列文件为标志,艾森豪威尔第一任期确立了不同于杜鲁门政府的新的对阿政策。美国的政策目的是,放弃将阿富汗纳入已方阵营的意图,转而努力确保并维持阿富汗在美苏间的中立,巩固阿富汗的缓冲国地位,将苏联隔离在南亚—中东以外。为实现这一目的,美国确立了“维持均衡但不谋求优势”的对阿政策的基本原则,不与苏联进行同等规模的援助竞争,以适量的援助水平,利用阿富汗人对美国的亲近感和对苏联的传统畏惧感,维持美国在阿富汗的存在,抵消苏联对阿富汗的压力和扩张。另一方面,作为美苏在阿富汗激烈争夺的副产品,两国在阿富汗形成事实上的“合作”局面,阿富汗成为美苏竞争的最大受益者,较好地将美苏援助整合到一起,美苏对此无奈接受。美苏在阿富汗的“均衡”格局形成。 1957年艾森豪威尔第二次就任总统后,出台“艾森豪威尔主义”,美国政府深入讨论了其适用于阿富汗的问题,并展开了说服行动,阿富汗不完全地接受了艾森豪威尔主义。在艾森豪威尔第二任期内,苏联对阿富汗的政策力度也进一步加强,对此,艾森豪威尔政府将阿富汗列为“紧急行动区域”,以多种方式平衡苏联的行动,扩大对阿富汗的援助规模和领域,改革对阿政策实施机构,以双边和多边外交相结合的方式推行对阿政策,并在50年代末开展了整个冷战时期都少有的“首脑外交”高潮,美、阿领导人的互访开创了两国关系新的历史记录。总之,艾森豪威尔政府对阿政策经受挫、摸索最终确立,政策原则和某些具体内容沿用至70年代末,对冷战时期的美国对阿政策影响极大。在此过程中,美国对阿政策谨慎行事,避免刺激苏联采取过激行动,在此意义上,1979年战争并不是美国对阿政策的直接结果,美国政策只是构成其背景性因素。 第四部分内容专题研究阿、巴“普什图尼斯坦”危机及美国在处理危机过程中的对阿富汗政策。该危机是美国在阿富汗形成与苏联均衡竞争局面的同时,对阿政策陷入困境的最重要原因。困境之一是,面对不能舍弃的地区性盟国和缓冲国间难以调和的冲突,美国选择明确站在哪一国的立场以及如何使对巴基斯坦的支持保持在一定限度内而不至于刺激阿富汗,即支持政策的“度”的把握是一个困境。仅就阿、巴关系而言,美国理论上应支持巴基斯坦;但一旦考虑到美苏关系和苏阿关系,美国政策的困境之二出现,即美国不应放弃阿富汗而徒增苏联的机会。由于这种政策困境,美国没能实现阿巴争端的解决,危机两次爆发;同时,困境导致美国游离于阿巴之间,也没能阻止阿富汗靠向苏联。美国政策困境的出现是其超级大国的全球和局部冷战利益与地区国家的利益冲突的结果。美国试图按照一已之构想协调地区国家间矛盾,服务于美国的冷战利益,但却忽视了如阿富汗等地区国家的利益诉求。在历史和现实中,美国外交面临类似阿巴争端的政策困境是普遍的,美国处理阿巴争端的政策和特点对于我们更好地理解美国介入其他地区的局部纠纷时有一定的借鉴和启示意义。
[Abstract]:Afghanistan is an inland mountain country in Asia, adjacent to many big powers and Middle East energy reserves, with an important strategic position in the.19 century, the British Russian competition has shaped the status of Afghanistan's buffer state. After the cold war, the United States and the Soviet Union launched a new round of competition, inducing the war of invasion of the Soviet Union in 1979. In history and reality, the United States is a One of the most important external factors for the development of the rich Khan state of affairs. In the early cold war, the policy of the United States to Afghanistan was crucial to the United States Afghanistan relations and the development of Afghanistan after the cold war and the end of the cold war. Based on this, this article systematically analyzed the Truman and Eisenhower administration in the early cold war. The formation, content, evolution, characteristics and influence of the policy of rich Khan tried to reveal the foundational role of Truman and Eisenhower's government's policy to Afghanistan during the cold war, and to explore the relevance of American policy to the war in Afghanistan in the 1979.
The thesis is divided into 5 chapters, focusing on four aspects.
The first part is the historical review of the US policy on Afghanistan and the United States, summarizing the changes of American policy towards Afghanistan from the mid nineteenth Century to the Second World War and the development of the relations between the two countries. The earliest contact between the United States and Afghanistan in nineteenth Century was the turning point of the US Arab relations in.1921, and the Afghan government delegation visited. The United States tried to establish formal diplomatic relations with the United States and opened the curtain of official relations between the two countries. The United States reacted coldly. However, the official contacts between the two countries remained. After that, Afghanistan insisted on the efforts to establish diplomatic relations with the United States. After the outbreak of World War II, the American policy of the United States faced pressure from the axis countries. At the same time, the competitive situation of the United States and the Soviet Union appeared in Afghanistan. The Soviet Union tried to stop the Western forces from entering the northern area of Abu Khan. In the development of bilateral relations, the United States was in the United States. There is a great difference in the policy of the country and Afghanistan. Afghanistan is highly enthusiastic. It embodies the.30 age of trying to make the United States as a balance of force and the benefit of the source of aid. The potential policy was applied by the United States to the Soviet Union during the cold war. But in the first half of the twentieth Century, the United States' policy towards Arab policy was generally slow because of its limited interests, insufficient information and British constraints.
The second part mainly expounds the outbreak of the Truman administration's policy on Afghanistan in.1947, which has been held in the tide of competition between the United States and the Soviet Union, including Afghanistan. The cold war opened a new era for the United States to Arab policy. The multi country competition situation before World War II has evolved into the two poles of the United States and the Soviet Union. South Asia is not the strategic importance of the United States. At the point, Afghanistan failed to attract the attention of the Truman administration. But based on the historical heritage and the characteristics of the Soviet Union, the Truman administration has carried out limited action on Afghanistan: first, in diplomacy, in 1946, the support of Afghanistan to the United Nations to integrate it into the western leading international order could be restricted by the strength of the international community. The activities of the Soviet Union could also enable the international community to share American investment in Afghanistan; two, under the guidance of the "fourth point plan", to provide limited economic assistance to Afghanistan, but has repeatedly rejected the demand for military assistance in Afghanistan. In short, in the new context of the cold war, the Truman administration has not yet formed a policy system for Afghanistan. The policy aim of Khan's desire and the strategic positioning of Afghanistan are obscure. The basic characteristics of the American policy can be summed up as "no relatives and no abandonment". The Truman administration's policy on opiate is influenced by many factors. The Soviet Union's weak policy to Afghanistan and the extremely weak of the Communist forces in Afghanistan are one of the key factors, and the lack of the Soviet Union. With the stimulus of communism, the US policy towards Arab policy is obviously underpowered.
The third part is the key point of the paper. It is a comprehensive analysis of the formation of the Eisenhower administration's policy on Afghanistan during the two term of the presidency (19531961 years), the adjustment and its influence in.1953, the changes in the United States, the Soviet Union and Afghanistan, and the adjustment of foreign policies by various countries, and the profound influence of American policy on Afghanistan. After serving as the Prime Minister of Afghanistan, it is the primary strategy to modernize the economy, and to promote the tough policy of Pakistan and to intensify the "pashtanstein dispute" to make the United States face a complicated situation in South Asia. Khrushchev put forward a "peace contest", strengthened diplomacy and assistance to the third world countries, and tried to break the United States in South Asia. The Eastern Construction of the Soviet military encirclement, Afghanistan is one of its important goals.1955, Khrushchev and others visited Afghanistan, the Soviet economy, military and personnel assistance began to enter Afghanistan on a large scale, causing great pressure to the United States. Because of the rapid development of the Soviet Union's policy to Afghanistan, the Eisenhower administration was "a big balance" strategy. In order to coordinate the relationship between the allies and strengthen the contention between the third world countries, the United States put forward the "Dulles plan" and promoted the "northern state" to establish the anti Soviet military alliance in Afghanistan in the mid.50 years of the Soviet Union, and Afghanistan became the target of the United States, but Afghanistan insisted on the neutralism diplomatic tradition and refused. The U.S. diplomatic frustration prompted Eisenhower to reevaluate his policy on Afghanistan, marked by a series of documents such as NSC5409, and Eisenhower's first term established a new anti Arab policy different from the Truman administration. The United States policy aims to give up the intention of bringing Afghanistan into the camp and strive to ensure and maintain Afghanistan in the United States. In order to achieve this, the United States has established the basic principle of "maintaining a balanced but not seeking advantage" to the Arab policy, and not competing with the Soviet Union on the same scale as the Soviet Union, with a moderate level of aid to the United States. On the other hand, as a by-product of the fierce contention between the United States and the Soviet Union in Afghanistan, the two countries have formed a factual "cooperation" situation in Afghanistan. Afghanistan has become the biggest beneficiary of the United States and Soviet competition, and better the aid of the United States and the Soviet Union. To help integrate together, the United States and the Soviet Union have no choice but to accept the US and Soviet Union's "equilibrium" pattern in Afghanistan.
After the second presidency of Eisenhower in 1957, "Eisenhower doctrine" was introduced. The United States government discussed the problem of its application to Afghanistan, and launched a persuasive action. Afghanistan did not fully accept the Eisenhower doctrine. In the second term of the Eisenhower term, the Soviet Union's policy to Afghanistan was further added. In this regard, the Eisenhower administration listed Afghanistan as an "emergency area" to balance the Soviet Union's action in a variety of ways, expand the scale and field of aid to Afghanistan, reform the implementation of Afghanistan policy, and combine bilateral and multilateral diplomacy with the policy of Afghanistan, and carried out the whole cold war at the end of the 50s. Some "summit diplomacy" climax, the United States and the Arab leaders' mutual visits created a new historical record of the relationship between the two countries. In a word, the Eisenhower administration was frustrated by the policy of Afghanistan, and finally established it. The policy principles and some specific contents were used to the end of the 70s, which had great influence on the American policy of the cold war. In this process, the United States was to Afghanistan. In the sense that the 1979 war was not a direct result of the US policy on Afghanistan, the American policy was only a background factor.
The fourth part is a thematic study of the pashtinistein crisis and the United States' policy towards Afghanistan in the process of dealing with the crisis. The crisis is the most important reason why the United States is in a balanced competition with the Soviet Union, and the most important reason for the plight of the policy is to face the regional allies and buffers that can not be abandoned. It is a dilemma for the United States to choose the position of which country to stand clearly and how to keep the support of Pakistan within a certain limit and not to stimulate Afghanistan, that is, to support the "degree" of the policy is a predicament. In terms of Arab Palestinian relations, the United States should support Pakistan in theory; but once it is considered in the United States, The two plight of the Soviet relations and the Soviet Union, the plight of the United States policy, is that the United States should not give up Afghanistan and increase the Soviet Union. Because of this policy dilemma, the United States failed to achieve the settlement of the ABA dispute and the two outbreak of the crisis; at the same time, the dilemma caused the United States to move away from the Abba, nor could it prevent Afghanistan from coming to the Soviet Union. US policy stranded. The emergence of the state is the result of the conflict between the global and local cold war interests and regional interests of the superpowers. The United States tries to coordinate the conflicts between regions and serve the interests of the cold war in the United States, but ignores the interests of the states in the region such as Afghanistan. The policy dilemma of the dispute between Pakistan and Pakistan is universal. The policy and characteristics of the United States' handling of the ABA dispute have a certain reference and inspiration for us to better understand the local disputes in the United States in other regions.


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