本文选题:涩泽荣一 + 中国 ; 参考:《华中师范大学》2011年博士论文
【摘要】:素有“日本资本主义之父”之称的涩泽荣一是日本近代史上的著名人物。本文在以《涩泽荣一传记资料》为主要文本依据的基础上,辅以既有的研究成果以及其他中日文文献,以王霸关系为分析框架,集中考察涩泽荣一在经济、救济、外交、教育等方面的对华思想与实践,力求展现出他与中国方面的双向互动过程以及这个过程所反映出的近代中日关系的另一侧面。 幼年的涩泽荣一在接受儒学启蒙的同时,也从其农商兼营的家庭中受到了商业的熏陶。成年之后,涩泽曾有过远赴欧洲游历的经历,并一度任职于明治政府,辞官后又致力于主持和参与日本一系列近代企业制度的建立,最终成就了他在日本经济界举足轻重的地位。此外,他还在教育、慈善、民间外交等领域有诸多建树。不过涩泽为人所熟知的更在于他的“论语算盘说”。他认为仁义道德写生产殖利并非相互对立和互不相容的,不存在脱离经济的道德,而背离道德的经济也不能为社会带来真正的好处。 1877年的中国行是涩泽荣一第二次踏上中国的土地,此前赴欧途中路过上海让他切身感觉到了中国的衰落,而这次的中国之行却是为商洽贷款而来。尽管中日西征借款谈判、招商局借款谈判最终都没能达成一致,却让涩泽意识到中国市场的重要,也开启了其对华经济实践的先河。当然,此时的日本羽翼未丰,还谈不上对中国有什么扩张行为,涩泽荣一所进行的尝试也只是属于一般性的商贸活动。然而,日本在甲午战争中的胜利却改变了这种状况。此时的日本已经出现“脱亚入欧”、“东亚盟主论”等论调,涩泽荣一的对华言行也是以霸道式的扩张为特征。他的对华态度从起初的犹豫和谨慎逐渐转变成为日本对华经济扩张摇旗呐喊。他不仅关注一系列对华经济调查活动,也参与了湖南汽船会社、日清轮船会社、东华纺绩会社、日清银行、东亚兴业会社等多家实业公司和金融投资机构的酝酿和成立事宜。进入20世纪以后,日本的对华扩张进程因中国方面的抵制、与其他列强的激烈竞争以及自身实力有限等原因而面临着挑战,涩泽荣一为此提出了合作开发中国的构想,并试图将其付诸实践。他一方面向美国提出了日美联合开发中国的建议,并且尝试与美国合办一家对华银行,另一方面又努力促成了中国兴业会社以及后来的中日实业公司的成立,并为中日实业公司的具体业务专门赴北京协商。然而就结果来看,中日实业公司的实际运作并非一帆风顺,与美国合办银行的计划也不了了之。“合办”虽然显得比较公正,但仍属于日本对华经济扩张方式的一种变通。涩泽所声称的合作开发似乎符合他所提出的“已所不欲勿施于人”的王道思想,然而背后却明显存在着一味追求日本国家经济利益的企图。 在对华外交方面,涩泽认为,日本的对华外交主体多元、主张不一,且往往对中国采取恩威交加的策略,容易引起中国方面的不满和反抗。为此,他提出以“忠恕”、“敬爱”之道与中国相交的外交理念,并积极推动对华民间外交。由他所担任会长的日华实业协会就是在此背景下应运而生。涩泽荣一以该协会为平台,与中国方面的孙中山、蒋介石、张謇、虞洽卿等政商界要人有过数度交往。然而我们通过考察两国在废除不平等条约、关税改订、抵日运动等问题上的交锋就会发现,日华实业协会还是扮演了一个日本工商界代言人的角色。在以维护和拓展日本既得利益为前提的情况下,它并不能有效处理好两国间的纷争,也难以有效体现出涩泽荣一所提出的对华外交理念。 除此之外,涩泽曾经有过数次发起或者参与对华灾害救助的行动,他对中国赴日留学生也给予过不同形式的帮助和接济,曾有过设立青岛商科大学的计划,并向上海的学艺大学提供过资金支持。从表面上看,这些似乎都应归于慈善活动之列,与涩泽荣一的对华外交理念颇为一致,也是其王道思想的典型体现。尽管这些林林总总的活动背后仍然存在一些现实利益的考量,但其中所包含的友善和道义的一面是不应被忽视的。然而,涩泽荣一在日本历次的对华军事侵略行为中却大都持支持和赞成的态度。如果将慈善归于王道、武力归于霸道的话,那么这两者之间就形成鲜明的对比。不过这种对比并非相互矛盾的,其背后都体现着涩泽对日本经济利益的追求。灾害救济和慈善教育在客观上会对日本的在华经济利益起到保护和促进的功效,而他无论是支持战争还是反对扩军,也多是出于经济方面的考虑。 涩泽荣一受过中国文化的熏陶,对中国抱有一定程度的好感,对中国的灾害救济、教育支持以及同中国人士的交往也有利于增进两国国民感情和相互交流。他所提倡的以“敬爱”、“忠恕”之道对华交往的外交理念在近代日本对华扩张过程中显得相当难得。涩泽崇尚王道而排斥霸道,上述这些也可以归于王道中的积极一面。然而他的王道思想明显带有“东亚盟主论”色彩和国家主义倾向,并非建立在现代民族国家平等往来的基础之上。他反对日本的军国主义,也反对日本对华恩威交加的外交政策,但其本人却在对华经济扩张活动中起到了明显的促进作用,客观上加快了日本的对华侵略步伐。总体而言,他主张对华行之以王道,但实际上却是一种王霸杂之的状态。
[Abstract]:Shibuzawa Eichi, known as the father of Japanese capitalism, is a famous figure in Japanese modern history. On the basis of the "Shibuzawa Eichi biography material" as the main text basis, with the existing research results and other Chinese and Japanese literature, this article focuses on the analysis of Shibuzawa Eichi's economy, relief and diplomacy with the framework of the relationship between Wang and hegemony. Education and other aspects of China's thought and practice in China strive to show the two-way interaction between him and China and the other side of the modern Sino Japanese relations reflected in the process.
At the same time, while accepting the Enlightenment of Confucianism, Shibuzawa Eichi was also influenced by business in his peasant merchants' family. After his adult life, he had a long journey to Europe and once served in the Meiji government. After his resignation, he devoted himself to the establishment of a modern enterprise system in Japan. In addition, he also has many achievements in the fields of education, philanthropy, and civil diplomacy. But he is more familiar with his "Analects of Confucius". He believes that benevolent morality is not contradictory and incompatible with each other, and does not exist from the morality of the economy, and the economy is deviating from the moral economy. Nor does it bring real benefits to society.
The Chinese Bank of 1877 was the second time Shibuzawa Eichi set foot on China. Before he went to Europe on the road to Shanghai, he felt the decline of China. The importance of the field also opened its precedent for China's economic practice. Of course, at this time, Japan is unfledged and not able to talk about the expansion of China. The attempt by Shibuzawa Eichi is only a general business. However, Japan's victory in the war of 1894 has changed this situation. Shibuzawa Eichi's speech to China was characterized by hegemonic expansion. His attitude towards China changed from the initial hesitation and prudence to the Japanese expansion of China's economic expansion. He not only paid attention to a series of economic investigation activities against China, but also participated in the Hunan steamboat club, Japan, and the Qing Dynasty. In twentieth Century, the Japanese expansion to China faced challenges due to the resistance of China, the fierce competition with other powers and the limited strength of its own strength, Shibuzawa Eichi. On the one hand, he put forward the proposal of joint development of China by Japan and the United States, and tried to jointly run a Chinese bank with the United States. On the other hand, he tried to promote the establishment of China's Xingye society and the later Sino Japanese Industrial Company, and for China Japan Industrial company. As a result, the actual operation of China Japan Industrial Company is not smooth, and the plan of the joint bank with the United States is not clear. "Joint" although it appears fairly fair, but still belongs to a variant of the Japanese economic expansion in China. The cooperative development claimed by Beijing seems to be in line with him. However, there is obviously an attempt to pursue Japan's national economic interests behind it.
In the respect of China's diplomacy, he believes that Japan's diplomatic relations with China are diverse, different and tend to adopt a strategy of adding en Wei to China, which will easily cause dissatisfaction and resistance in China. To this end, he put forward the diplomatic concept of "loyalty" and "love" with China, and actively promoted the Chinese folk diplomacy. In this context, the president of Japan and China Industrial Association came into being in this context. Shibuzawa Eichi, with the association as the platform, has a number of contacts with the Chinese government, such as Sun Zhongshan, Jiang Jieshi, Zhang Jian, Yu fit Qing and other political business circles. However, we will go through the investigation of the conflict between the two countries on the abolition of unequal treaties, tariff modification, and Japanese movement. At present, the Japanese industrial association played a role as a spokesperson for the Japanese industry and commerce. In the case of maintaining and expanding the Japanese vested interests, it can not effectively deal with the disputes between the two countries, and it is difficult to effectively reflect the diplomatic ideas of China proposed by Shibuzawa Eichi.
In addition, he has had several actions to initiate or participate in disaster relief in China. He has also given different forms of help and assistance to the Chinese students to Japan. He has had a plan to set up a Qingdao Commercial University and provided financial support to the University of Shanghai. On the surface, these seem to be attributed to charity activities. It is in line with Shibuzawa Eichi's diplomatic concept of China and a typical embodiment of his king's thought. Although there are still some practical interests behind the activities of the forest and forest, the friendly and moral aspects of them should not be ignored. However, Shibuzawa Eichi's military aggression against China in Japan has been carried out in Japan. There is a sharp contrast between the two, but this contrast is not contradictory, but it is behind the pursuit of the economic interests of Japan. The disaster rescue and charity education will be objectively to Japan. China's economic interests play the role of protection and promotion, and whether he supports the war or against the expansion of the army is mostly due to economic considerations.
Shibuzawa Eichi has been influenced by Chinese culture and has a certain degree of good feeling to China. The disaster relief, educational support and communication with Chinese people also help to improve the national feelings and exchanges between the two countries. The diplomatic concept of "love" and "loyalty" to China has expanded in Modern Japan. It is quite rare in the course of the process. He rejects the hegemony of the king, and these can also be attributed to the positive side of the royal road. However, his king's thought is obviously with the "East Asian allies" color and the nationalist tendency, not based on the basis of the equality of modern nation-state. He is opposed to Japanese militarism, but also against the Japanese militarism. As for the foreign policy of Japan to Hua En Wei, he had played a significant role in promoting the expansion of China's economic expansion and accelerated the Japanese invasion of China objectively. In general, he advocated the king of China, but in fact, it was a state of King hegemony.
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