本文选题:越中文化交流 + 政治制度 ; 参考:《北京语言大学》2008年硕士论文
【摘要】: 公元1406年(永乐四年),明成祖出兵攻占安南,将之划入中国的版图,进行直接管理,越南历史由此进入了长达二十余年的“明属时期”。因不接受明朝的统治,安南人民纷纷进行反抗,武装起义此起彼伏。到公元1427年,以黎利为首领的蓝山起义经过十余年的艰苦斗争,终于把明军打出了国门,安南重新获得了独立。1428年,黎利正式登基为皇帝(谥号黎太祖),建立后黎朝,光复大越国。此后,黎朝封建统治者在外交方面上一贯采取柔和的政策,常年派遣使者前往明廷朝贡求封。因此,安南在形式上成为了中原王朝的番邦,以宗藩方式与明朝发展和睦的邻邦关系。越中两国的政治文化交流在新的历史背景下得到空前发展。 所谓黎初王朝,即后黎朝最为发达又强盛的前一百年,而其最全盛时期则是第四代国君黎圣宗在位期间(1460—1497),当时安南国势强大、经济繁荣、社会安定,封建中央集权制度也发展到了完备的程度。综观黎初王朝政治制度的发展过程,尤其是黎圣宗洪德年间(1470—1479)经过改革之后完善的官僚制度,可以看到诸多与明朝洪武时期政治制度相同之处,而《明史》也称其“彬彬有华风”:废除宰相制度、加强皇权,中央官僚体系以“三公”、“三孤”为首,其下为六部、六科、六寺、御史台、十三道监察御史、五军都督府等等。全国地方行政机构分为东、西两京及十三省,省设承宣、都察、宪察等“三司”。在中央、地方两级皆实行双重的监察制度,即中央机构的御史台与六科,地方机构的监察御史与宪察司。这样,黎圣宗洪德二年(1471)的体改与明洪武九年的改革是异常相似的。这两番改革的相同,就表现在精神、目的、性质、方法之相同,并充分体现了黎初所受明朝政治的全盘影响。 明朝政治制度对越南黎朝的影响则是与历史文化背景分不开的,是越中两国长期以来政治文化交流的必然结果。越中两民族的接触和交流,至今已有两千余年的悠久历史,其开端可以确定在公元前二世纪的秦汉时期。中华文明的各种文化,尤其是儒家思想及封建礼教由此传入越南,之后经过漫长的渗透、相适应过程,渐渐与其本地文化合为一体,成为了拥有几千年历史的越南传统文化的重要组成部分。黎初王朝政治制度是汉越文化相融合的集中反映,同时也是越南民族在文化认同与独立意识的精神基础上所创造的巨大成就。
[Abstract]:In 1406 (Yongle four years, Ming Dynasty ancestral troops captured Annan, put it into the territory of China, for direct management, Vietnam's history has entered more than 20 years of the "Ming Dynasty." Because do not accept the rule of Ming Dynasty, the people of Annan revolt one after another, armed uprisings rise and fall one after another. By 1427 AD, after more than a decade of hard struggle, the Lanshan uprising, led by Li Li, finally broke out the Ming army, and Annan regained independence. In 1428, Li Li officially became emperor (Shi Li Taizhuan), and after the establishment of Li Dynasty, Restore the Kingdom of Great Yue. Since then, the feudal rulers of the Li Dynasty have consistently adopted a soft policy in diplomacy, sending emissaries to the Ming Dynasty to pay tribute to them all the year round. Therefore, Annan formally became a foreign state of the Central Plains Dynasty and developed harmonious relations with the Ming Dynasty in the form of suzerainty. The political and cultural exchanges between Vietnam and China have developed unprecedentedly under the new historical background. The so-called early Li Dynasty was the first 100 years of the most developed and powerful post-Lebanon dynasty, and its heyday was 1460-1497 during the reign of Li Shengzong, the fourth acting monarch, when the nation of Annan was powerful, its economy was prosperous, and its society was stable. Feudal centralization of power also developed to a complete degree. Looking at the development process of the political system of the early Li Dynasty, especially the bureaucratic system perfected after the reform of Li Shengzong Hongde (1470-1479), we can see that there are many similarities with the political system of the Hongwu period of the Ming Dynasty. The "History of the Ming Dynasty" also called it "Binbin has a Chinese style": abolishing the system of prime ministers and strengthening imperial power. The central bureaucracy is headed by "three public" and "three solitary", under which six departments, six branches, six monasteries, the imperial platform, and thirteen ways to supervise the imperial history. The five armies are in the government house and so on. The national local administration is divided into east, west, Beijing and 13 provinces. At the central and local levels, there is a dual supervisory system, namely, the central authority's imperial court and six branches, and the local organization's supervisory and constitutional supervision department. In this way, Li Shengzong Hongde's reform is very similar to the Ming Hongwu's nine-year reform. The two reforms were identical in spirit, purpose, nature and method, and fully reflected the overall influence of the Ming Dynasty politics on Li Chu. The influence of the Ming Dynasty's political system on Vietnam's Lai Chao is inseparable from the historical and cultural background, and is the inevitable result of the political and cultural exchanges between Vietnam and China for a long time. The contacts and exchanges between Vietnam and China have a long history of more than two thousand years, the beginning of which can be determined in the Qin and Han dynasties in the second century BC. The various cultures of Chinese civilization, especially Confucianism and feudal ethics, were introduced into Vietnam. After a long process of infiltration and adaptation, they gradually integrated with their local culture. It has become an important part of Vietnamese traditional culture with a history of thousands of years. The political system of the early Li Dynasty is a concentrated reflection of the fusion of Han and Vietnamese cultures, and also a great achievement created by the Vietnamese nation on the basis of the spirit of cultural identity and independence.
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