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  本文选题:美国 + 以色列 ; 参考:《陕西师范大学》2008年硕士论文

【摘要】: 在大国与中东关系中,美以关系是较为重要的。尤其是19世纪60年代末,美以“准联盟”关系的构建,对中东地缘政治的稳定与中东局势的发展都产生了重大影响。然而,美以关系的发展并非一帆风顺,而是经历了冷淡期后的孕育、特殊关系的开启后,才构建了美以之间的“准联盟”关系。本文主要对1953-1968年,这一时期美以“准联盟”关系的形成过程进行一番阐释。 本文分为前言、正文、结语三部分。 前言部分主要介绍了选题的意义和国内外研究的现状。“准联盟”现象是国际安全合作中的一种新模式,而19世纪60年代末,美以“准联盟”关系的建立更是有着重要的意义。本文在国内外美以关系研究的基础上,结合自己掌握的大量资料,试图对美以关系的缘起、发展重新阐释。 正文部分根据1953-1968年美以“准联盟”构建过程的特征,分为四章。 第一章主要论述了德怀特·戴维·艾森豪威尔总统时期的美以关系。艾森豪威尔上台之后,从美国“联阿抗苏”的整体战略出发,继承了杜鲁门时期的美国以色列政策,继续对以实行强硬政策,但是美国的这种强硬政策对以色列并不凑效。 到艾森豪威尔的第二任期,苏伊士运河战争造成的中东局势突变和阿拉伯民族主义运动的蓬勃发展,促使美国政府对其对以强硬政策进行反思,改变了美国对以色列战略地位的认知。同时美以双方展开了卓有成效的战略合作,尤其是1958年约旦危机中的美以战略互动,为美以间的战略合作奠定了基础。随后美国开始对其对以政策加以调试,由单纯制裁向积极制裁的互惠策略转变。正是艾森豪威尔政府对以政策的变化为约翰·F·肯尼迪总统的对以军事援助政策的急转奠定了基础,因而这一时期应被视为美以战略合作的孕育期。 第二章论述了约翰·F·肯尼迪总统时期的美以关系。肯尼迪总统入主白宫后,在中东问题上推行平衡政策。但是,由于美国与阿拉伯国家战略目标的不同和苏联向中东的逐步渗透,促使美以关系逐渐升温。随着苏联向阿拉伯国家输送了大量的先进武器和美国为了换取以色列在阿以问题上的让步,美国的对以军售政策由控制军备竞赛向维持军备平衡转变,并向以色列出售先进的霍克防空导弹。随后,肯尼迪总统向以色列提供安全保证,并首肯美以间存在着与美英类似的特殊关系,美以关系取得实质性进展。 第三章主要论述了林登·B·约翰逊总统时期美以“准联盟”关系的构建与美以“准联盟”的表现及其维系的原因。19世纪60年代美苏争霸战略态势的变化,使得以色列战略资产的地位进一步得到显现。“六·五”战争中以色列的出色表现使其战略资产地位得到巩固。美国开始向以色列出售更为先进的武器以保持以色列在中东地区军事上的优势,并在外交上对以色列的利益予以关照。美以“准联盟”关系之所以构建,主要是得益于双方战略利益的契合。同时美以之间相似的意识形态和美国国内犹太人院外集团的影响也起到了重要作用。 第四章主要论述了美以“准联盟”关系形成的影响。1953-1968年美以之间构建的“准联盟”关系对美以双方与中东局势的发展以及中东地缘政治都产生了重大影响。 结语主要论述了美以“准联盟”关系形成后的美以关系发展状况,并粗略地勾勒出未来美以关系的发展趋势。
[Abstract]:In the relations between the great powers and the Middle East , the relationship between America and the Middle East is more important . Especially in the late 1960s , the relationship between America and America had a great influence on the stability of the geopolitical stability in the Middle East and the development of the situation in the Middle East .

This paper is divided into three parts : preface , text and conclusion .

This paper mainly introduces the significance of the topic selection and the current situation of research at home and abroad . The phenomenon of " quasi - alliance " is a new mode in international security cooperation , and the establishment of " quasi - alliance " is of great significance in the late 1960s .

The main body part is divided into four chapters according to the characteristics of the " quasi - alliance " construction process between 1953 and 1968 .

The first chapter mainly discusses the relationship between the United States and the United States in the period of President DeWhite Davy . After the last stage , the United States ' policy of Israel has been inherited from the overall strategy of the United States ' Union ' s Anti - Soviet Union , which has continued to be a tough policy . But the tough policy of the United States has no effect on Israel .

At the same time , the United States began a fruitful strategic cooperation with the United States , which laid the foundation for the strategic cooperation between the United States and the United States .

The second chapter deals with the US - Israeli relationship between President John F . Kennedy and President Kennedy in the Middle East after President Kennedy ' s entry into the White House . However , as the Soviet Union has delivered a great deal of advanced weapons to the Arab States and the Soviet Union ' s concessions to the Middle East , the United States has made security assurances to Israel and is the first United States to make substantive progress in relations with the United States in a special relationship with the United States .

The third chapter mainly discusses the construction of the relationship between the " quasi - alliance " and the " quasi - alliance " in the period of President Lyndon B . Johnson . The changes of the strategic situation of the Soviet Union in the 1960s made the strategic assets of Israel consolidated . The United States began to sell more advanced weapons to Israel to keep Israel ' s military advantage in the Middle East . The relationship between the US and the " quasi - alliance " was mainly benefited from the strategic interests of both sides . At the same time , the similar ideology between the US and the United States played an important role in the influence of the foreign group of the Jewish community in the United States .

The fourth chapter mainly discusses the influence of the relationship between America and America . The " quasi - alliance " built between America and America in 1953 - 1968 has great influence on the development of the situation in the Middle East and the politics of the Middle East .

The concluding remarks mainly discuss the development of the relationship between America and the United States after the formation of " quasi - alliance " , and outline the developing trend of the future beauty .


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