[Abstract]:From the colonial establishment of New England to the independence revolution in North America, in a short period of more than 150 years, great changes took place in New England, from an unopened region to a society that had initially seen commercial prosperity, and in the process its agriculture, The manufacturing and transportation industries have developed greatly, and the diversified social production models have taken shape, showing a pattern of social production closer to that of their home countries; the development of the commercial economy of New England has gradually become contradictory to the colonial policy of the United Kingdom. There was friction, and in the end New England chose the road to independence. This paper is divided into three parts except introduction and conclusion: the first part: the commercial development of New England agriculture, animal husbandry and fishery. This part includes the development and disadvantage of New England agriculture and animal husbandry, and the development and favorable conditions of fishery commercial economy. The second part: the commercial development of manufacturing and transportation. Through the development of manufacturing industry and shipping industry, this part further demonstrates the performance of New England's commercial economy, and describes the favorable factors for the development of manufacturing and transportation industry's commercial economy. The third part: the New England commercial economy development and the British friction problem. This part is through the monetary problem and the trade control and the smuggling trade carries on the discussion.
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