发布时间:2018-07-16 14:01
【摘要】: 意识形态工作事关党和国家的兴衰成败,事关广大人民的幸福安康。对于与苏联同根同源的现存社会主义国家而言,苏共在意识形态工作上的经验教训至关重要,具有很强的警示和借鉴意义。对苏共执政时期意识形态工作的成败得失进行深入研究,梳理和总结其失误教训,有助于从理论上厘清苏联解体的意识形态原因,以及苏共执政时期在意识形态领域到底都有哪些失误。对于我们以苏为鉴,与时俱进地丰富和发展科学社会主义基本理论具有重要的参考价值和借鉴意义,对于做好当前新形势下的意识形态工作、实现构建社会主义和谐社会和全面建设小康社会的宏伟蓝图、推动中国特色社会主义伟大事业继续前进,具有重大的现实意义。 本文以马克思列宁主义为根本指导,以解放思想、实事求是为基本原则,以苏共执政各个历史时期的意识形态工作为逻辑主线,以理论建设、思想道德建设、舆论宣传工作、文化建设这四个意识形态工作的重要方面为切入点,在借鉴吸收已有研究成果的基础上,运用“论从史出——史论结合”、历史与逻辑相统一、辩证唯物主义的分析、文献分析、“分析——综合”等主要研究方法,以期达到对苏共执政时期意识形态工作的成败得失、经验教训的全面把握和深刻认识,为现存社会主义国家以史为鉴、以苏为鉴,做好当前新形势下的意识形态工作提供必要的理论依据和政策支持。 全文包括导论部分和正文六章。导论部分主要阐明了意识形态工作的地位与作用,陈述了本课题的理论意义和实践意义,分析了本课题的研究现状,介绍了论文的基本思路和主要研究方法。 第一章主要内容是列宁时期的意识形态工作。列宁时期是苏共意识形态工作的初创与奠基时期,通过对列宁时期意识形态工作的梳理与评介,认为这一时期苏共意识形态工作取得了很大成就,为社会主义建设事业提供了必不可少的“文明前提”,逐步确立了马克思、恩格斯的科学社会主义思想在意识形态领域的指导地位,为巩固和壮大新生的苏维埃政权和社会主义制度做出了重要贡献。 第二章主要内容是斯大林时期的意识形态工作。到了斯大林时期,社会主义意识形态工作得到了强化和巩固。斯大林一方面在许多重大理论和实践问题上坚持和发展了马克思列宁主义,另一方面,由于认识上的局限和机制体制的弊端,意识形态工作没有达到应有的效果,留下了深刻的教训和启示。 第三章主要介绍赫鲁晓夫对斯大林时期意识形态工作的偏差进行了积极调整,但由于在实际工作中没有把握好应有的分寸和尺度,人们的思想领域出现了混乱,给意识形态工作带来了严重的消极影响,为后来苏联意识形态的演变埋下了伏笔。 第四章主要内容是勃列日涅夫时期的意识形态工作。经过了调整和混乱后,勃列日涅夫时期的意识形态工作进入了停滞与困顿阶段。由于苏共的根本指导思想日趋保守和僵化,以及实际工作中教条主义、形式主义盛行,长期累积的问题一直没有得到彻底有效解决,意识形态领域问题丛生、危机四伏,为戈尔巴乔夫时期意识形态工作的失控和崩溃种下了祸根。 第五章主要介绍戈尔巴乔夫时期的意识形态工作在指导思想、思想道德、舆论宣传工作和文化教育领域爆发了全面性危机。由于戈尔巴乔夫的改革逐渐蜕变为“改向”,进而主动放弃了马克思主义在意识形态领域的根本指导地位,最终导致了苏共意识形态工作的失控和崩溃。 最后一章从整体上对苏共执政时期意识形态工作的教训和启示进行提炼总结,探讨现存社会主义国家如何以苏为鉴,做好当前的意识形态工作,为社会主义建设事业全局服务。
[Abstract]:The ideological work related to the prosperity and decline of the Party and the state and the well - being of the people . For the existing socialist countries with the same root as the Soviet Union , the Communist Party of the Soviet Union has important reference value and reference for the ideological work in the Soviet Union . It is of great practical significance for us to carry out the ideological work under the new situation , to realize the grand blueprint of building a socialist harmonious society and to build a well - off society in a comprehensive way , and to advance the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics .
This paper takes Marxism - Leninism as the fundamental guiding principle , and takes the ideological work as the logic main line in the historical period of the Soviet Communist Party . Based on the research results of the absorption , the author applies the theory of " combining the history and the historical theory " , the analysis of the dialectical materialism , the literature analysis and the " analysis _ synthesis " and so on , so as to provide the necessary theoretical basis and policy support for the ideological work in the present new situation .
The whole text includes the introduction part and the body six chapters . The introduction part mainly expounds the status and function of ideological work , sets forth the theoretical significance and practical significance of the subject , analyzes the present research situation of the subject , and introduces the basic idea and main research method of the thesis .
The first chapter is the ideological work of Lenin ' s ideological work . Lenin ' s ideological work has made great achievements during the period of Lenin ' s ideological work , and it is believed that the ideological work of Soviet Communist Party has made great achievements during the period of Lenin ' s ideological work . It has established the guiding position of Marx and Engels ' scientific socialism ideas in the ideological field , and has made important contributions to the consolidation and expansion of the new Soviet regime and the socialist system .
The second chapter is the ideological work of Stalin period . The socialist ideological work has been strengthened and consolidated during Stalin ' s period . On the one hand , Stalin adheres to and develops Marxism - Leninism on many important theories and practical problems . On the other hand , because of the limitations of cognition and the shortcomings of the mechanism system , ideological work has not achieved due effect , and has left a profound lesson and inspiration .
In chapter 3 , the deviation of ideological work in Stalin period is mainly discussed , but due to the lack of proper position and scale in the actual work , there is confusion in the field of thought , which brings serious negative influence to ideological work , thus burying the ambush for the evolution of the ideology of the Soviet Union .
The fourth chapter is the ideological work in the period of Brezhnev . After the adjustment and confusion , the ideological work of Brezhnev entered the stage of stagnation and hardship .
Chapter 5 mainly introduces the ideological work of the Gorbajo period in guiding ideology , ideology and morality , propaganda of public opinion and cultural education . As the reform of Goldbach gradually changed into " redirection " , he gave up the fundamental guiding status of Marxism in the ideological field , and finally led to the loss of control and collapse of the ideological work of the Soviet Union .
The last chapter summarizes the ideological work of the Communist Party of Soviet Communist Party from the whole , and probes into how the existing socialist countries should do the current ideological work in the view of the Soviet Union and provide the global service for the socialist construction .
[Abstract]:The ideological work related to the prosperity and decline of the Party and the state and the well - being of the people . For the existing socialist countries with the same root as the Soviet Union , the Communist Party of the Soviet Union has important reference value and reference for the ideological work in the Soviet Union . It is of great practical significance for us to carry out the ideological work under the new situation , to realize the grand blueprint of building a socialist harmonious society and to build a well - off society in a comprehensive way , and to advance the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics .
This paper takes Marxism - Leninism as the fundamental guiding principle , and takes the ideological work as the logic main line in the historical period of the Soviet Communist Party . Based on the research results of the absorption , the author applies the theory of " combining the history and the historical theory " , the analysis of the dialectical materialism , the literature analysis and the " analysis _ synthesis " and so on , so as to provide the necessary theoretical basis and policy support for the ideological work in the present new situation .
The whole text includes the introduction part and the body six chapters . The introduction part mainly expounds the status and function of ideological work , sets forth the theoretical significance and practical significance of the subject , analyzes the present research situation of the subject , and introduces the basic idea and main research method of the thesis .
The first chapter is the ideological work of Lenin ' s ideological work . Lenin ' s ideological work has made great achievements during the period of Lenin ' s ideological work , and it is believed that the ideological work of Soviet Communist Party has made great achievements during the period of Lenin ' s ideological work . It has established the guiding position of Marx and Engels ' scientific socialism ideas in the ideological field , and has made important contributions to the consolidation and expansion of the new Soviet regime and the socialist system .
The second chapter is the ideological work of Stalin period . The socialist ideological work has been strengthened and consolidated during Stalin ' s period . On the one hand , Stalin adheres to and develops Marxism - Leninism on many important theories and practical problems . On the other hand , because of the limitations of cognition and the shortcomings of the mechanism system , ideological work has not achieved due effect , and has left a profound lesson and inspiration .
In chapter 3 , the deviation of ideological work in Stalin period is mainly discussed , but due to the lack of proper position and scale in the actual work , there is confusion in the field of thought , which brings serious negative influence to ideological work , thus burying the ambush for the evolution of the ideology of the Soviet Union .
The fourth chapter is the ideological work in the period of Brezhnev . After the adjustment and confusion , the ideological work of Brezhnev entered the stage of stagnation and hardship .
Chapter 5 mainly introduces the ideological work of the Gorbajo period in guiding ideology , ideology and morality , propaganda of public opinion and cultural education . As the reform of Goldbach gradually changed into " redirection " , he gave up the fundamental guiding status of Marxism in the ideological field , and finally led to the loss of control and collapse of the ideological work of the Soviet Union .
The last chapter summarizes the ideological work of the Communist Party of Soviet Communist Party from the whole , and probes into how the existing socialist countries should do the current ideological work in the view of the Soviet Union and provide the global service for the socialist construction .
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1 金坤城;社会主义意识形态管理思想与实践研究[D];南京师范大学;2011年
2 刘荣清;批判与建构:日常生活领域的意识形态研究[D];安徽大学;2011年
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1 曹杰;社会主义意识形态教育的作用与途径研究[D];辽宁大学;2011年
2 代大梅;增强社会主义意识形态的吸引力和凝聚力巩固党的执政地位[D];中国科学技术大学;2011年
3 刘昕媚;论苏联意识形态历史演变与我国社会主义意识形态建设[D];延边大学;2011年