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发布时间:2018-08-04 12:50
【摘要】:从11世纪起,欧洲步入经济复苏、城市复兴、贸易频繁的新时期,波罗的海贸易区作为沟通中世纪东西贸易的重要商道逐渐兴起。与德意志移民不断向东方垦殖、建立新兴的德意志乡村和城市这一过程相辅相成,商人通过他们的贸易深深地刺激着这一地区的各诸侯对财富和权势的梦想。因此,波罗的海不仅在经济层面,而且在政治层面上都占据相当重要的地位。 随着十字军思想的演变和在早期北方十字军运动的影响下,作为中世纪西欧三大宗教骑士团之一的条顿骑士团也把目光对准了波罗的海地区。在狂热的宗教热情和巨大的现实利益驱使下,他们对普鲁士、立沃尼亚等波罗的海地区展开了军事征服,并对波兰、立陶宛、罗斯公国等进行侵略,成为罗马天主教在东北欧地区消灭异教徒和异端的中坚力量。他们发动征服战争不仅仅依靠宗教热情,还凭借着自身优势:德皇和教皇的授权;源源不断十字军战士;与罗马教廷的良好关系;强大的财力保障。当然还有他们的“私人国家”的政治理想,这受到当时德意志政局掌握在少数贵族手上这一情况的影响。 从1230年开始,条顿骑士团在波罗的海地区进行了一系列的征服战争,并强迫原住民进行改宗。1291年阿克城陷落之后,条顿骑士团退守欧洲,随之便全身心投入到波罗的海地区的经营。经过多年征战,他们接管了立沃尼亚、征服了普鲁士,也成为从但泽到塔林最大的土地领主和商人。1410年坦能堡战争之前,条顿骑士团在东欧地区的势力达到鼎盛,对这一地区的政治、军事、宗教等方面均产生了深远影响。 条顿骑士团在波罗的海的活动加快了本地天主教化和德意志化,打破了当地文明的自我发展,彻底改变本地区在人口、语言、文化、经济、政治等方面的原有结构。
[Abstract]:Since the 11th century, Europe has stepped into a new era of economic recovery, urban revival and frequent trade. The Baltic Sea Trade area has emerged as an important trade channel in the Middle Ages. The process of establishing new German villages and cities was complementary to the process of German immigrants constantly colonizing the East. Through their trade merchants deeply stimulated the dreams of wealth and power among the princes in this region. As a result, the Baltic Sea plays an important role not only at the economic level, but also at the political level. With the evolution of the Crusade thought and the influence of the early Northern Crusade, the Toton Knights, as one of the three major religious knights in the Middle Ages, also focused on the Baltic region. Driven by fanatical religious zeal and enormous practical interests, they carried out military conquest of the Baltic regions of Prussia and Livonia, and invaded Poland, Lithuania, the Principality of Ross, etc. It became the backbone of Roman Catholicism to destroy heathen and heresy in Northeast Europe. They fought the war of conquest not only on religious fervor, but also on their own: the mandate of the German emperor and the pope; a steady stream of crusaders; good relations with the Holy see; and strong financial security. And, of course, the political ideals of their "private state", influenced by the fact that German politics was in the hands of a few aristocrats. Beginning in 1230, the Tutons fought a series of wars of conquest in the Baltic region and forced the aborigines to convert. After the fall of Ark in 1291, the order retreated to Europe. Then he devoted himself to the operation of the Baltic Sea. After years of war, they took over Livonia, conquered Prussia, and became the largest land lord and merchant from Danzig to Tallinn. It has had a profound influence on the political, military, religious and other aspects of the region. The activities of the Thrton Knights in the Baltic Sea accelerated the local Catholicization and Germanization, broke the self-development of the local civilization, and completely changed the original structure of the region in the aspects of population, language, culture, economy, politics and so on.


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