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发布时间:2018-08-13 09:14
【摘要】:也门犹太人是世界历史上古老而又独特的犹太族群之一。他们作为非穆斯林少数族群,长期生活在以穆斯林为主体的环境中,与外部世界相对隔绝。19世纪初期也门部落和犹太定居点内部特殊的政治、经济、社会状况,以及犹太人与穆斯林之间自由宽松的话语环境,使得以穆斯林为主体的也门出现了许多独特的犹太社团。1872年奥斯曼帝国的入侵,开启了也门现代化进程,但经济模式的转变打破了犹太人传统的社会经济基础和犹太社团的凝聚力。部分犹太人皈依伊斯兰教或为了寻求更好的政治、经济地位,开始向非洲东海岸的埃塞俄比亚以及巴勒斯坦地区移民。第一次世界大战结束后,阿拉伯世界排犹浪潮此起彼伏,也门犹太人不断遭到了国内伊玛目政权和穆斯林的歧视和迫害,也门犹太人的国家认同感遭到重创。以色列建国后,也门犹太人的移民达到了高潮,1949-1951年,美犹联合救济委员会通过“神毯行动”将5万名也门犹太人移民到以色列。现代以来,也门犹太人已经成为了以色列社会的重要组成部分。本文旨在探讨19世纪至20世纪中叶的也门犹太人与阿拉伯人关系及其社会地位的历史变迁,并在此基础上深入探究影响1881-1950年也门犹太人移民的历史根源与内外因素,以期对也门犹太人这一边缘族群有更深入的了解。本文主要由绪论、正文和结论三个部分构成。绪论部分主要阐明了也门犹太人这一选题的背景与意义;并适当回顾、总结了国内外学者对于这一主题的研究状况;从而勾勒出撰写本文的研究思路、方法和主要创新点。正文部分主要囊括四章。第一章,主要阐述了也门犹太人的历史起源与分布,以及19世纪上半叶也门犹太人与阿拉伯人的关系,也门犹太人社会经济地位与认同。第二章,主要从政治、经济、宗教和文化等方面,系统的阐述了 1872-1918年奥斯曼帝国第二次侵占也门期间,犹太人社会地位与生存状况的改变。第三章和第四章,分别阐述了也门犹太人向埃塞俄比亚和巴勒斯坦地区移民的背景和过程,以及造成也门犹太人对外移民的内部因素与外部因素。结论部分主要从国际社会历史背景、也门国内形势、伊玛目政权对带犹太人的移民的政策,以及也门犹太人自身的角度出发分析了影响1881-1950年间也门犹太人移民的动因,并进一步阐述了也门犹太人对犹太教发展以及在以色列民族国家构建中发挥的作用。
[Abstract]:Yemeni Jews are one of the ancient and unique Jewish groups in the history of the world. They, as non-Muslim minorities, have long lived in an environment dominated by Muslims, relatively isolated from the outside world. In the early 19th century, Yemeni tribes and Jewish settlements had special political, economic and social conditions, And the free and relaxed discourse environment between Jews and Muslims, which led to the emergence of many unique Jewish communities in Yemen, which was dominated by Muslims. The invasion of the Ottoman Empire in 1872 began the modernization process of Yemen. However, the transformation of economic model broke the traditional social and economic basis of Jews and the cohesion of Jewish communities. Some Jews converted to Islam or began to emigrate to Ethiopia and Palestine on the east coast of Africa in search of a better political and economic status. After World War I, the Arab world saw a wave of anti-Semitism, and Yemeni Jews were constantly discriminated against and persecuted by the Imam regime and Muslims in Yemen, and the national identity of Yemeni Jews was badly damaged. After the founding of Israel, the emigration of Yemeni Jews reached its climax in 1949-1951, when the Joint Relief Committee of the United States and Judah emigrated 50,000 Yemeni Jews to Israel through Operation blanket. Since modern times, Yemeni Jews have become an important part of Israeli society. The purpose of this paper is to probe into the historical changes of the relations between Yemeni Jews and Arabs and their social status from the 19th century to the middle of the 20th century, and on the basis of this, to probe into the historical roots and internal and external factors that influenced the Jewish immigrants in Yemen from 1881 to 1950. In order to have a better understanding of Yemeni Jews, this marginal ethnic group. This paper consists of three parts: introduction, text and conclusion. The introduction mainly expounds the background and significance of this topic, and summarizes the research situation of domestic and foreign scholars on this topic, and outlines the research ideas, methods and main innovation points of this paper. The main body includes four chapters. The first chapter mainly expounds the historical origin and distribution of Yemeni Jews, the relationship between Yemeni Jews and Arabs in the first half of the 19th century, the social and economic status and identity of Yemeni Jews. The second chapter, mainly from the political, economic, religious and cultural aspects, systematically elaborated the 1872-1918 Ottoman Empire during the second occupation of Yemen, Jewish social status and survival changes. Chapter three and chapter four respectively explain the background and process of Yemeni Jews' emigration to Ethiopia and Palestine, as well as the internal and external factors that cause Yemeni Jews to emigrate to foreign countries. The conclusion is mainly from the historical background of the international society, the domestic situation of Yemen, the policy of imam regime on the immigrants with Jews, and the reasons of affecting the Jewish immigrants in Yemen from 1881 to 1950, from the point of view of the Yemeni Jews themselves. It also expounds the role of Yemeni Jews in the development of Judaism and the construction of Israel's nation-state.


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