[Abstract]:Democratization has become an inevitable trend in the development of world politics. In the course of the wave of democratization extending to the world, the process of democratization in the Middle East has obviously lagged behind the rest of the world. The democratization of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has lagged significantly behind the rest of the Middle East. With the wave of democratization spreading to the world and the growing demand for democracy at home and abroad, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia can no longer cling to the rule of autocratic monarchy, and the seeds of democracy emerge in the midst of despotism and grow tenaciously. The door of democratization opens. The reform of the ruling class objectively promoted the democratization of Saudi Arabia. Judging from the course of its democratization, the democratization it wants to realize is neither "communism" in the East nor "liberal democracy" in the West, but "Islamic democracy" with the characteristics of Islam. Its inherent religious regional characteristics, the status of the petroleum power, the unique family rule mode, the special relationship with the United States and its domestic and international situation all affect the development of its democratization process. Therefore, the process of democratization in Saudi Arabia is characterized by slow and gradual transition to constitutional monarchy and then to limited democratic politics. After systematically describing the development of Saudi democratization, this paper further analyzes the reasons for the lag of the democratization process in Saudi Arabia, and predicts the possible direction of its development. In order to make some useful exploration to a field of Saudi political research.
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