[Abstract]:As an important figure in the history of Japanese foreign affairs, Mr Lu solved the two major diplomatic problems that beset Japan during his term as Foreign Minister: one was to amend unequal treaties, and the other was to launch a war against the Qing Dynasty, that is, the Sino-Japanese War between Japan and Japan. This paper starts with the diplomatic strategies carried out by Lu Ao-tsung-kuang in the diplomatic process, and studies what means he uses in the diplomatic process to achieve his diplomatic purpose. Judging from the process of revising the unequal treaties and launching the Sino-Japanese War of Sino-Japanese War in 1895, the land and Austria diplomacy has a strong purpose. In order to enhance Japan's international status, it is bound to start revising the unequal treaties. And launching war against China is the ultimate goal of land-Austria diplomacy. Luoao always insisted on concluding a comprehensive treaty of reciprocity. However, when the situation in North Korea changed, he was eager to get the support of the European and American powers or to remain neutral, otherwise, he would easily attract the joint intervention of the European and American powers in the future. So he decided to give up some of his rights and sign the treaty to win British support for his war of aggression. Before the Sino-Japanese War, due to the interest relationship, in the process of diplomatic negotiation with the European and American powers, there were some differences between the different countries and their ways. For Russia, which conflicts with Japan in its fundamental interests, Russia needs to be stabilized in order to achieve the goal of war, considering that Japan's national strength is relatively weak. With regard to Britain, he seized on the idea that Japan was trying to restrain Russia from going south, took advantage of the contradiction between Britain and Russia, alienated Sino-British relations, and drew Britain to its own side. In this way, Luoao's "close attack" on Europe and the United States, especially the United Kingdom and Russia, was to win over, deceive, and separate the relations between China and Britain, so as to achieve the goal of war. China and North Korea, close neighbors, are naked aggression.
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