[Abstract]:This paper focuses on the Constance Conference of 1414-1418 and the Basel Conference of 1431-1449 in the late Middle Ages. Under the guidance of the Congregationalism, these three conferences revolve around ending the great division of the church. The three central tasks of eradicating heresy and reforming the church developed into a public meeting movement. This paper consists of three parts: introduction, text and conclusion: the introduction mainly defines the scope of this study, and points out the writing value of this paper on the basis of combing the current research situation at home and abroad. The main body consists of four parts: the first part mainly discusses the rise of public meeting movement. Mainly from the 14 th century church crisis and the western sources of Congregationism to analyze. The second part mainly talks about the thought of the public meeting on the eve of the public meeting movement and its initial singing at the conference of Pisa. The author analyzes the concrete agenda from the emergence of the idea of the public meeting in the 13th century to the germination of the doctrine of the public meeting in the 14th century. The Pisa Conference in 1409 emphasized the idea that heresy popes must be dealt with through public meetings. The third part is the Constance Conference of 1414-1418. The leading ideas of the Congress movement at this stage were the ideas of Pierre Dey, Zabalera and Gersson. With their efforts and the cooperation of secular monarchies, Constance ended the division, punished heresy, promulgated the oracle of diligence, and put the doctrine of public meeting into practice to a certain extent. But there is no fixed procedure for dealing with possible conflicts between the pope and the Commons. The fourth part of the Congress movement to the Basel Conference (1431-1449) reached its peak and gradually decline. Here, the author mainly pays attention to the achievement of church reform under the guidance of "harmony" and "consent", and the progress of Constance Conference and its guiding ideology. This touched the position of the pope, who broke up the Council by splitting it and using diplomatic techniques. Nikolay and others turned to the pope, and the concourse movement went on. On the basis of systematically combing the practice of the public meeting movement and its guiding ideology in various stages, the author makes a brief summary and analysis of it and tries to make an objective and fair evaluation of it.
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