发布时间:2018-09-19 11:16
【摘要】: 纵观俄国十月革命以来的国际关系史,我们随处可见渗透与反渗透、颠覆与反颠覆、“西化”“分化”与反“西化”“分化”的身影。正如国内知名国际关系史专家时殷弘教授所指出,20世纪是意识形态或者资本主义和社会主义两种意识形态斗争的世纪。历史证实了,日本学者福山的理论著作《历史的终结》一书也雄辩地反证了这一观点。鉴于工人阶级社会主义意识形态的非自发性以及苏联建立社会主义时经济文化各方面的落后现状,为了提高人们的共产主义觉悟和巩固社会主义意识形态,列宁提出了“文化革命”并初步摸索出了一套以“灌输”论为中心的意识形态管控模式。斯大林在坚持意识形态党性原则的同时,抛弃了列宁时期意识形态管控政策中民主性和科学性的一面,进一步发展了其集中性和行政化的一面,最终形成了苏联特有的斯大林式的意识形态管理模式。 作为一个高度意识形态化的国家和社会,苏联对社会意识形态的管控工作倾注了相当大的人力物力,但是由于其本身存在政治高压和强制色彩、严重脱离实际等弊端,未能真正使马克思主义深入人心。虽然,苏联构建的社会意识形态管控模式随着苏联的解体也宣告失败,但是,正如恩格斯所说,“没有哪一次巨大的灾难不是以历史的进步作为补偿的”,它虽已成历史但借鉴意义仍在。前车之辙、后车之鉴,本文旨在以苏联兴亡的各种史料为基础,以我国面临加强和改进社会意识形态管控工作艰巨任务的现实为背景,反思苏联的社会意识形态管控模式,从中得出一些可供现实参考的东西。
[Abstract]:Throughout the history of international relations in Russia since the October Revolution, we can see permeation and reverse osmosis, subversion and anti-subversion, westernization, differentiation and anti-westernization. As Professor Shi Yinhong, a well-known domestic expert in the history of international relations, pointed out, the 20th century was a century of ideology or a struggle between capitalism and socialism. History confirms that the Japanese scholar Fukuyama's theoretical work, the end of History, eloquently refutes this view. In view of the non-spontaneity of the socialist ideology of the working class and the backward situation in all aspects of economy and culture at the time of the establishment of socialism in the Soviet Union, in order to raise people's communist consciousness and consolidate the socialist ideology, Lenin put forward "Cultural Revolution" and preliminarily explored a set of ideological control mode centered on "indoctrination" theory. While adhering to the principle of ideological Party spirit, Stalin abandoned the democratic and scientific side of the ideological control policy during Lenin's period, and further developed its centralization and administration. Finally formed the Soviet Union unique Stalinist ideology management mode. As a highly ideological state and society, the Soviet Union devoted considerable manpower and material resources to the control of social ideology, but because of its own political pressure and coercion, it was seriously divorced from reality. The failure to really make Marxism deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Although the social ideology control model constructed by the Soviet Union failed with the disintegration of the Soviet Union, as Engels put it, "there is no great disaster that was not compensated by historical progress." Although it has become a history, but the significance of reference is still there. The purpose of this paper is to reflect on the Soviet Union's mode of social ideology control on the basis of all kinds of historical data of the rise and fall of the Soviet Union and the reality of the arduous task of strengthening and improving the social ideology control in our country. From it, we can find some practical reference.
[Abstract]:Throughout the history of international relations in Russia since the October Revolution, we can see permeation and reverse osmosis, subversion and anti-subversion, westernization, differentiation and anti-westernization. As Professor Shi Yinhong, a well-known domestic expert in the history of international relations, pointed out, the 20th century was a century of ideology or a struggle between capitalism and socialism. History confirms that the Japanese scholar Fukuyama's theoretical work, the end of History, eloquently refutes this view. In view of the non-spontaneity of the socialist ideology of the working class and the backward situation in all aspects of economy and culture at the time of the establishment of socialism in the Soviet Union, in order to raise people's communist consciousness and consolidate the socialist ideology, Lenin put forward "Cultural Revolution" and preliminarily explored a set of ideological control mode centered on "indoctrination" theory. While adhering to the principle of ideological Party spirit, Stalin abandoned the democratic and scientific side of the ideological control policy during Lenin's period, and further developed its centralization and administration. Finally formed the Soviet Union unique Stalinist ideology management mode. As a highly ideological state and society, the Soviet Union devoted considerable manpower and material resources to the control of social ideology, but because of its own political pressure and coercion, it was seriously divorced from reality. The failure to really make Marxism deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Although the social ideology control model constructed by the Soviet Union failed with the disintegration of the Soviet Union, as Engels put it, "there is no great disaster that was not compensated by historical progress." Although it has become a history, but the significance of reference is still there. The purpose of this paper is to reflect on the Soviet Union's mode of social ideology control on the basis of all kinds of historical data of the rise and fall of the Soviet Union and the reality of the arduous task of strengthening and improving the social ideology control in our country. From it, we can find some practical reference.
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