发布时间:2018-10-04 18:55
【摘要】: 我们生活在一个充满活力却并不完美的时代,也向往一个更加美好的社会。这一永恒的追求使我们越来越需要了解民主、研究民主、完善民主,即便是民主概念本身的深奥和复杂使普通人望而却步。19世纪上半叶,一场气势浩大的民主运动-杰克逊民主-席卷了整个美国。安德鲁·杰克逊是美国第7任总统,是他那个时代里最具影响力的人物,也是个实干家和扩张主义者。杰克逊通过扩大普选,取消“党派核心会议制”和频繁使用总统否决权来推广和强化民主。鉴于这些原因,他也被许多人视为当时美国社会中民主情结的象征,后人甚至把他的民主思想和实践归纳为杰克逊民主。然而,需要指出的是,这样一个“平民化”的民主时代也存在着不少反民主的污点瑕疵,并形成美国式民主的悖论。譬如,虽然这一运动常常抨击当时社会里存在的特权和垄断,并试图通过扩大经济、政治和社会生活等各个领域中的机会来消除特权现象,但历史学家们仍然就这一运动的社会本质争论不休。本文作者对杰克逊的两届任期作了深入的研究分析,并从社会历史观的视角重新定义杰克逊民主。近年来,历史学家们在探讨、阐释杰克逊民主时,常常把杰克逊民主所内含的夸大、反讽和虚伪成分统统强加在作为个体的杰克逊本人身上,作者注意到也批评了这一现象,并建议为了公正客观地理解杰克逊时代的财富,我们有必要区分杰克逊民主、杰克逊主义和杰克逊党主义这三者。基于这些分析讨论,本文提出,与其将杰克逊民主看成是一场民主化运动还不如将其视为对民主的一种政治态度和明确立场。
[Abstract]:We live in a dynamic but not perfect age, and yearn for a better society. This timeless quest makes it increasingly necessary to understand democracy, to study it, to perfect it, even though the profundity and complexity of the concept of democracy itself deterred ordinary people from going through the first half of the 19th century. A powerful democracy movement-Jackson's democracy-swept across the United States. Andrew Jackson was the seventh president of the United States, the most influential figure of his time, a doer and expansionist. Jackson promoted and strengthened democracy by expanding the popular vote, eliminating the "party caucus" and frequent use of presidential veto power. For these reasons, he was also regarded by many as a symbol of the democratic complex in American society at that time, and later generations even summed up his democratic ideas and practices as Jackson's democracy. However, it should be pointed out that such a "popularized" democratic era also has a lot of anti-democratic blemishes and forms the paradox of American-style democracy. For example, although this movement often attacked the privileges and monopolies that existed in society at the time, and sought to eliminate them by expanding opportunities in various fields of economic, political and social life, But historians still argue about the social nature of the movement. The author makes an in-depth study of Jackson's two terms of office and redefines Jackson's democracy from the perspective of social history. In recent years, historians have discussed and interpreted Jackson's democracy, often imposing the exaggeration, irony and hypocrisy of Jackson's democracy on Jackson himself as an individual, and the author notes and criticizes this phenomenon. It is suggested that in order to understand the wealth of Jackson's time fairly and objectively, it is necessary to distinguish between Jackson democracy, Jacksonism and Jackson partism. Based on these analysis and discussion, this paper suggests that Jackson's democracy should be regarded as a political attitude and a clear stand on democracy rather than as a democratic movement.
[Abstract]:We live in a dynamic but not perfect age, and yearn for a better society. This timeless quest makes it increasingly necessary to understand democracy, to study it, to perfect it, even though the profundity and complexity of the concept of democracy itself deterred ordinary people from going through the first half of the 19th century. A powerful democracy movement-Jackson's democracy-swept across the United States. Andrew Jackson was the seventh president of the United States, the most influential figure of his time, a doer and expansionist. Jackson promoted and strengthened democracy by expanding the popular vote, eliminating the "party caucus" and frequent use of presidential veto power. For these reasons, he was also regarded by many as a symbol of the democratic complex in American society at that time, and later generations even summed up his democratic ideas and practices as Jackson's democracy. However, it should be pointed out that such a "popularized" democratic era also has a lot of anti-democratic blemishes and forms the paradox of American-style democracy. For example, although this movement often attacked the privileges and monopolies that existed in society at the time, and sought to eliminate them by expanding opportunities in various fields of economic, political and social life, But historians still argue about the social nature of the movement. The author makes an in-depth study of Jackson's two terms of office and redefines Jackson's democracy from the perspective of social history. In recent years, historians have discussed and interpreted Jackson's democracy, often imposing the exaggeration, irony and hypocrisy of Jackson's democracy on Jackson himself as an individual, and the author notes and criticizes this phenomenon. It is suggested that in order to understand the wealth of Jackson's time fairly and objectively, it is necessary to distinguish between Jackson democracy, Jacksonism and Jackson partism. Based on these analysis and discussion, this paper suggests that Jackson's democracy should be regarded as a political attitude and a clear stand on democracy rather than as a democratic movement.