[Abstract]:The Vietnam War was a hot war against the background of the Cold War. The length of the war and the depth of its impact are rare in American history. As for the causes and policies of American involvement in war, scholars at home and abroad have made a great deal of academic achievements. Following the historical materialism and applying the research method of combining history and international relations theory, this paper comprehensively investigates the Indochina policy of President Truman and Eisenhower, and analyzes the background and actual implementation of the policy in each period. It is also the realistic orientation of the struggle between the United States and communism to prove that this policy was formed under the Cold War mentality of the United States. This paper is divided into three parts: introduction, text and conclusion. The introduction mainly introduces the research status of Indochina policy at home and abroad and the reasons for choosing this topic. The text is divided into four parts: historical Review-Conception of Indochina Policy during wartime (1940-1945); early "Silence" Policy of Truman Government (1945.5-1949); late Truman Government "Limited intervention" Policy (1950-1953); Eisenhower Administration "New" Face "Policy (1953-1960). Through the analysis of the policy of Indochina in the period of Truman and Eisenhower's administration, the conclusion concludes that the policy making of the United States is influenced by the Cold War thought, and emphasizes either one or the other in the struggle against communism. To focus on alliances in military intervention in order to enhance their justice in the struggle, to gain the support of the domestic people, to provide assistance to agents in the third world countries; Strive to form rules that can be observed by both sides in the struggle for communism.
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