[Abstract]:This paper takes the development of later Ottoman education as the main clue, focusing on the rise and development of educational modernization in the late Ottoman Empire. This paper discusses the relationship between the educational modernization in the late Ottoman Empire and the educational modernization in the world and Turkey. The paper is divided into five parts: the first part is the overview of traditional Islamic education in the Ottoman Empire; The second part is the attempt and start of the educational modernization reform of the Ottoman Empire (1789-1839); the third part is the climax of the educational modernization reform of the Ottoman Empire (1839-1876); the fourth part is the further development of the educational modernization reform of the Ottoman Empire (1876-1922); the fifth part is the conclusion. In the first part, the author briefly reviews the development of traditional Islamic education in the Ottoman Empire, and applies the dialectical relationship between the internal and external causes of the development of things to the social background of the rise of modern education in the Ottoman Empire. The basic conditions are described preliminarily. The second, third and fourth parts are the core chapters of this thesis, which mainly focus on the three stages of educational development since the later modernization reform of the Ottoman Empire, and discuss the content, characteristics and historical significance of each stage of educational development. It revealed that the modern educational system in the later period of Ottoman Empire had begun to take shape and achieved fruitful results. In the fifth part, the author summarizes the whole text. Firstly, it concludes that the later educational modernization of the Ottoman Empire is an important part of the course of the world's educational modernization. Finally, from the course of educational modernization in the later Ottoman Empire, some laws and experiences of educational development are discovered. Thus for the development of Muslim people's education in China to play a reference role.
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