[Abstract]:From the signing of the Beijing Treaty to World War I, the British government had two large-scale job recruitment activities in China. First, after the signing of the Beijing Treaty in 1860, Britain recruited Chinese workers abroad on the back of force. Second, in the late period of World War I, the Chinese Beiyang government put forward to Britain the employment plan of "substituting workers for soldiers", and Britain accepted the plan and recruited a large number of Chinese workers for the war. This paper makes a comparative study on the background, process, use and destination of Chinese workers in Britain. In the context of recruitment, the change of the employment policy of Britain in different stages of liberal capitalism and imperialism changed from the previous active recruitment to the latter because of the need of the war and forced to accept the employment plan. In the recruitment process, the first recruitment included both formal legal contract workers and illegal private abductions. There were no legal regulations on the treatment of Chinese workers in Britain, and the colonial governments exercised their own administration. The Qing government did its best to safeguard the interests of Chinese workers internationally. For the second time, Britain adopted the legal contract system, established a clear wage standard, and the Beiyang government set up a special organization to safeguard the rights and interests of Chinese workers. In the use of Chinese workers, the former British mainly used Chinese workers for the development and construction of the colony, the latter time the British sent Chinese workers to the European battlefield for military services. Finally, in terms of the whereabouts of Chinese workers, the British did not make official arrangements for the whereabouts of Chinese workers during the first recruitment, and many Chinese workers remained in the British colonies. In the late 19th century, the Chinese workers supplemented the shortage of British colonial labor and promoted the development and construction of the colonies. During World War I, Chinese workers provided necessary field labor support for Britain's victory over Germany. By working hard to become a part of British Chinese, Chinese workers in Britain inject new blood into the development of British multicultural society. Returning Chinese workers brought the new Western civilization back to China, enabling the Chinese to better understand the West. At the same time, the two changes in the British policy of recruiting Chinese workers reflect the changes in the diplomatic relations between the two countries.
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