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发布时间:2018-11-17 10:14
【摘要】: 中央太平洋铁路建设中的华工史是早期在美华人史的一个缩影。本文以中央太平洋铁路建设中的华工群体为切入点,在真实还原这段历史,让更多人,包括国人与美国民众,了解并记住华工当年铁路建设过程中所作出的贡献与牺牲的同时,还以铁路建设中的华工境遇为视角,分析排华背后隐藏的原因与条件,从而为现在华人在美国发展和中美关系的走向提供历史借鉴。 文章分三大部分七章论述。第一部分包括第一、二章,对中央太平洋铁路与早期旅美华工进行概述;第二部分包括第三、四、五、六章,论述了首次招募华工的过程,铁路华工的数量、工种分配、收入与支出,华工在布鲁默开凿、合恩角的挑战、15条隧道和一天十英里进度的奇迹方面作出的突出贡献,分析了在太平洋铁路建设过程中的华工伤亡情况,以及完工之后去向,再现了1864-1869年期间华工在中央太平洋铁路上的工作与生活的真实状态。笔者根据大量史料,纠正了目前学术界的一些定论:(1)首次招募华工的时间是在1864年1月,而不是1865年春天;(2)华工参与了布鲁默的开凿,并为此作出了突出的贡献;(3)在合恩角,华工们在悬崖峭壁开凿路基的工具就是简陋的用芦苇编制的草篮子;(4)在铁路建设过程中,华工雇佣总数在14000-23000之间,而不是目前认为的10000左右;(5)在铁路建设过程中,超过1200名华工作出了生命的牺牲,而不是美国国内认为的50人,最多不会超过100人的说法。第三部分是总结和评价部分。在铁路完成后7年,国会组织一个联合委员会调查美国华人入境的程度和影响,当时的加州州长、中央太平洋铁路公司主席斯坦福、四大之一的克罗克和铁路工程部主任斯托布里奇等对铁路华工作出了高度的肯定评价。与对华工的肯定评价截然不同的是华工在美国受到的不公平的对待。美国的种族主义与当时经济衰退、劳动力过剩的历史背景直接导致了美国国内大规模的排华,早期旅美华工自身的某些缺陷也成为美国排华的借口。
[Abstract]:The history of Chinese construction in the Central Pacific Railway is a microcosm of the early Chinese history in the United States. This article regards the Chinese workers in the construction of the Central Pacific Railway as the starting point, while restoring this period of history, so that more people, including the people of China and the United States, can understand and remember the contributions and sacrifices made by Chinese workers in the course of railway construction in those years. From the perspective of the situation of Chinese workers in railway construction, this paper analyzes the hidden reasons and conditions behind the exclusion of Chinese, thus providing historical reference for the development of Chinese in the United States and the trend of Sino-American relations. The article is divided into three parts and seven chapters. The first part includes the first and second chapters, which summarizes the Central Pacific Railway and the early Chinese workers in the United States. The second part includes the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth chapters. It discusses the process of recruiting Chinese workers for the first time, the number of Chinese workers in the railway, the distribution of jobs, the income and expenditure, and the challenges of the Chinese workers digging in Blume and Cape Horn. The outstanding contributions of the 15 tunnels and the miracle of ten miles a day, the analysis of the casualties of Chinese workers in the construction of the Pacific Railway, and the way to go after the completion of the project. It recreates the true state of work and life of Chinese workers on the Central Pacific Railway during 1864-1869. According to a large number of historical data, the author corrects some conclusions of the academic circles at present: (1) the first time of recruiting Chinese workers was in January 1864, not the spring of 1865; (2) the Chinese workers participated in Blume's excavation and made outstanding contributions to this end; (3) at Cape Horn, the tools used by Chinese workers to dig the roadbed on the precipice are crude baskets of grass made of reeds; (4) in the course of railway construction, the total number of Chinese workers employed was between 14000-23000, instead of the 10000 or so currently thought; (5) in the course of railway construction, more than 1200 Chinese workers made the sacrifice of their lives, instead of saying that 50 people were believed in the United States, and no more than 100 people at most. The third part is the summary and evaluation part. Seven years after the completion of the railway, Congress organized a joint committee to investigate the extent and impact of the arrival of Chinese Americans in the United States. Stanford, then governor of California and chairman of the Central Pacific Railway Corporation, Crocker, one of the big four, and Stoubridge, director of railway engineering, gave high marks to Chinese railway workers. Contrary to the affirmation of Chinese workers, Chinese workers are treated unfairly in the United States. The racism in America and the economic recession at that time, the historical background of labor surplus directly led to the large-scale exclusion of China in the United States, and some defects of Chinese workers in the early days of the United States also became the excuse for the exclusion of China in the United States.


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