[Abstract]:Based on the possession and utilization of archival materials and other relevant materials as far as possible, this paper makes a detailed historical investigation of the food aid provided by the United States to India in the 1960s on the basis of American Public Law 480. The development and perfection of public law No. 480, that is, the evolution of the Kennedy and Johnson periods, is combed, and on the basis of this, the decision-making process of the United States' food aid policy towards India is made. The function of grain in American policy is analyzed in depth to reveal the limitation of American food aid policy. This text is divided into preface, subject chapter (three chapters), conclusion (one chapter) three parts: the first chapter discusses the background and main content of public law 480 in detail, in order to solve the problem of surplus agricultural products, the United States adopted public law 480. It mainly contains three clauses: selling in foreign currency, famine relief and other aid, donation and barter, which laid the foundation for the institutionalization of American food aid policy. The second chapter mainly discusses the development of public law 480 in Kennedy period into food for peace program. On this basis, the Kennedy administration carried out a large number of aid to India, while India mainly relied on foreign loans to buy American food. Pay attention to the process of industrialization and neglect the development of agriculture. The third chapter mainly explains that under the policy of tight rope and tie in Johnson period, in view of the food crisis in India, American food aid to India through a series of measures to promote India to achieve self-help, to achieve liberalization reform. Use grain as a lever to some extent. The fourth chapter is a summary of the food aid policy of the United States to India in the 1960's. As an important tool of American foreign policy, grain has limited effect; American food aid policy to India combines the wishes of the White House, Congress, volunteer agencies, international organizations and the president, is the result of power game.
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