[Abstract]:The formulation and implementation of a country's diplomatic decision is closely related to its own political system. As the only superpower in the world today, the diplomatic decision of the United States is also influenced by domestic politics. Because the political system of the United States is based on the framework of constitutionalism, separation of powers and federalism, the diplomatic decision-making of the United States is a very complicated process. It is directly dependent on the decision-making levels of the President, Congress, and the State Department at the same time. It is also indirectly influenced by political parties, interest groups and media opinion. This paper mainly discusses the influence of media factors on American diplomatic decisions. The preface mainly describes the significance of the topic, the research ideas and the current research situation at home and abroad, and briefly introduces some concepts. The main body part includes three aspects. The first part introduces the development of contemporary American media. After the Cold War, with the implementation of neoliberal policies and the development of information technology, the era of global communication began to come. Under the background of this era, transnational media groups began to emerge and get unprecedented development, and the global communication system with the United States as the core gradually established. As the "fourth power" organization of the United States, the news media has gained a new round of development in the tide of globalization. Its scale is unprecedented in terms of quantity, type, number of employees and radiation range. In its long history of development, the American media has shown distinct characteristics of collectivization, privatization, commercialization and independence. These characteristics not only determine the main contents and values of media reports, but also influence their interaction with the government. As a result, it directly affects the operation mechanism of American media. The second part mainly analyzes the role and mode of American media participating in government diplomatic decision. The formulation and implementation of American foreign policy is a very complicated game process, so scholars usually use funnel image to explain the influence of different levels on diplomatic decision-making. The special status and rank of the media has given it the role of a messenger, a signal guide and a policy advocate in foreign policy decisions, through the dissemination of international news. Guiding public opinion and publicizing government policies to influence the government's foreign policy agenda and results. With the development of new media technology, television has gradually become the main channel for ordinary American families to obtain information, so TV diplomacy has become a direct way for media to participate in government diplomatic decisions. In addition, through public opinion polls and social reviews, the media can reflect the views and attitudes of the public and think tanks on certain policies, indirectly influencing the government's decision making. The third part mainly discusses the influence and limitation of American media on government diplomatic decision. The media's function of "making news" and "explaining news" makes it have powerful information power, which has an important influence on the government's diplomatic decision. The spread of media information affects the issues, processes, speed, and levels of diplomatic decision-making. On the one hand, the media can set the government agenda and improve the decision-making level; on the other hand, the media can also shape the guidance of public opinion and promote the implementation of decision-making. However, the influence of the media on the government's diplomatic decision is the result of the comprehensive action of many elements, so the influence is full of uncertainty and limitation. It is the complex nature of the relationship, such as the legitimacy of the media influencing diplomatic decisions, whether the media can exert its influence at the critical time, and the government's attempts to control the media, which often limit the role of the media.
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