[Abstract]:In the 1600s, the world entered a period of social transformation, and the Massachusetts colony was in a stage of development from chaos to stability. In this period, the local witchcraft cases occurred frequently, and the panic reached its peak in the 1990s, its typical event was the Salem incident in 1692, and then the witchcraft case gradually died out. Many historians have done solid research on witchcraft, but little attention has been paid to the case of witchcraft in Massachusetts. Some of the books focus on the study of one aspect of a problem, such as gender, race, and so on, in the case of witchcraft, but it does not provide an overall overview of the witchcraft in the Massachusetts area. Through the analysis of local witchcraft cases, I can see that this special group of witches is more of a bad character than the supernatural manipulators or heresy in other people's eyes. The structure of this paper can be divided into six chapters. First, the introduction is an overview of the witchhunt movement in this period, mainly discusses the theory of witchcraft cases from modern times to the present. The first chapter mainly describes the situation of witchcraft cases in the Massachusetts area in the 17th century. Chapters two to four describe the occurrence of witchcraft cases in the region, the situation of the trials, the social identity of the persons involved and the characteristic types of witchcraft cases. Through the analysis of these problems to understand the social status of witches in the local and because of the influence of witchcraft identity to be treated; The fifth chapter is to explain the social environment of the witchcraft case in Massachusetts, which can be divided into these aspects: first, the influence of religion; second, the influence of immigration status on them. The immigrants who migrated from the Old World were inevitably influenced by the political and economic systems of the European continent, which branded the new colonies as old. Third, the effects of the external environment and the local economy on them. The rapid growth of the economy tore apart the original religious order and caused a great deal of economic disputes among the local population.
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