[Abstract]:In the mid-19th century, Western European powers such as Britain and France invaded East Asia. After the Opium War, when China was defeated by Britain and forced to sign unequal treaties, China gradually became a semi-colonial and semi-feudal country. Japan in East Asia was shocked by China's defeat in the Opium War and felt that the colonial crisis was approaching step by step, and that foreign merchant ships were constantly coming to sea and demanding trade, which made Japan more nervous. During this period, the ruling crisis of Tokugawa shogunate gradually deepened, and how to choose the way of development under internal and external troubles became an important issue. Part of Japan recognized the importance of using western science and technology to enhance national strength, and gradually put it into practice, which is the origin of Japan's modernization. One of the most strenuous is Samofan's integrated library business. The integrated library was developed under the leadership of the 11 th generation main island, Tsukibun. Different from the modern development of Saga and Shuidufan in the same period, the integrated library not only developed the military industry such as smelting iron and artillery casting, but also expanded to the fields of pharmacy, textile, communication, education and so on. The development of the Integrated Pavilion stopped at one time after the death of Shimazu Bin, and it was revived after the Saxon War. It opened the Kagoshima Textile Institute and sent overseas students to Britain while introducing British technicians. The technology and talents in the integrated library have contributed to the industrialization of Japan. It can be said that the integrated library is the forerunner of the modernization of Japan.
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