[Abstract]:November 7, 1917 (October 25, Russian calendar), Russia broke out the October Revolution, the establishment of the world's first socialist state-Soviet Russia. After receiving an invitation from the United States in July 1918, Japan decided to send troops to Siberia for the rescue of Czechoslovakia. Japan and the United States each sent 7000 troops, but by September 1918, Japan had sent more than 72000 troops. After Japan sent troops, the forces of the White Guard continued to collapse, Britain, France, and the United States and other countries gradually withdrew, Japan had to adjust its troop policy, reduce the number of troops, and narrow the range of troops. The far East Republic was founded on April 6, 1920. After that, the Czech Legion was settled, and Japan's excuse to send troops ceased to exist. At the same time, the pressure on Japan at home and abroad gradually increased, and Japan began to consider negotiations with the far East Republic to withdraw troops. Despite the Nepalese incident in May 1920, there was no material impact on Japan's withdrawal. Since May 1920, Japan has held three negotiations with the Republic of the far East on the withdrawal of troops. The Gongota talks in July 1920 were the first negotiations between Japan and the far East Republic. The two sides agreed to establish a neutral zone. After this negotiation, Japan began to withdraw some of its troops. In August 1921, Japan held talks with the far East Republic in Dalian, which lasted until April 1922. Although the talks finally broke down, the Japanese troops were opposed by various countries. It is imperative to withdraw troops. In September 1922, Japan and the Republic of the far East held talks in Changchun, which broke down because Japan insisted on not discussing the "Nepalese Port incident". Despite the breakdown of the talks, Japan withdrew all troops except northern Sakhalin by the end of October, according to previous statements, and in November the far East was incorporated into Russia. After the Meiji Restoration, Japan began to expand by force and tried to conquer Asia by force. However, after the first World War, with the strengthening of American strength and the deepening of Japanese-US contradictions, Japan's expansion policy was contained. Japan began to move towards coordinated diplomacy and adjust its foreign policy. The withdrawal of troops from the far East Republic was a concrete manifestation of its foreign policy adjustment.
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