[Abstract]:The Russian military Industrial Council, which existed in 1915 and 1918, was a wartime economic organization initiated by the Russian industrial and commercial circles, aiming to mobilize all kinds of resources to serve the war. The shortage of ammunition and military failure in Russia at the beginning of the war were the direct reasons for its establishment. The military Industry Commission took an active part in wartime economic activities and played a certain role in safeguarding the front line and military needs. But the council has its own political demands, from its controlling bourgeois industrialists, who are unhappy with the czarist autocracy and want liberal reforms in Russia. As an organization controlled by liberal opposition representing social forces, the Council of military Industries frequently exerts pressure on the government. The government, forced by poor logistical conditions, has to acknowledge the existence and role of the military industrial council, but politically it is sceptical, disgusted, and defensive. In its view, the Council of military Industries cannot have a political orientation, but only a pure, government-controlled economic organization. As a result, whenever the war eased slightly, the government began to crack down on the military Industrial Council. And the more the government clamps down, the more the military industrial council demands change. With the changes of the war situation and the domestic political situation, the political position of the military industrial committee became more and more radical, and became one of the important forces to push Russia to revolution, and took an active part in the February revolution.
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