[Abstract]:At the beginning of the eighteenth century, the British aristocrats, as the leaders of British social development, held and monopolized many rights in the political and economic fields at that time. At this time, Britain has begun to form the so-called "aristocracy", which lasted for more than a century. The aristocratic nepotism played a very important role in the aristocrats' maintenance of their dominant position and had a very important influence on the development of British politics and reflected the organizational level of the British political parties at that time. The number of secular aristocrats in England was very small, and the number of secular nobles in the upper house of England was about 160, and the number of secular nobles in politically marginalized Scotland and Ireland was no more than 400. The British aristocratic family is composed of his wife, children and other relatives. The aristocrat is the core of the whole family, the owner of the title and the fiefdom, and has the noble social status and authority. Unlike the mainland aristocrats, the other members of the island aristocratic family were legally and nominally no different from the common people in their social status and did not have the corresponding political and economic privileges. In this case, the establishment of nepotism is of great significance to the British aristocrats and their families. Aristocrats form nepotism through individuals and family members, including: close relatives, in-laws, neighbors, friends, teachers and students, colleagues and so on, to establish the aristocrat as the core of the sect. On this basis, the formation of political parties; The aristocrats cooperated in the common good. They controlled the legislature of the country-the upper house and the lower house. They also enjoyed absolute authority in the central and local government departments, as well as in the military and other institutions. In the end, an oligarchic system with nobility at its core was established in England.
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