[Abstract]:The thought and action of reducing the political contact between Japan and China as much as possible in the pre-modern times was carried out in the historical process of its efforts to realize the goal of "self-centralization". The gradual transition from China to self-canonization to the egoistic practice of modern times highlights the value orientation that Japanese politics is not easy to change under the pattern of difficult coexistence between the two poles of East Asia. At the level of cultural genes, the stubborn bass at the bottom of the prototype of Japanese culture is also played repeatedly. However, as the "archetypal" behind the archetypal, "Xia Shang Ancient Tao" may have given cultural regulations to the character shaping of Japanese countries that can not be ignored. Although the later military and political actions launched by Japan can not be completely influenced by Sri Lanka, the evolution and expansion track of "small Japan", "Greater Japan" and "International Japan", However, it highlights the country's excessive dependence on "divine power" and "force" and the religious paranoia complex, and also shows the great significance of China's "Zhongdao" principle, which is necessary for the combination and combination of Shang and Zhou dynasties, to correct Japan's "inherent" value system.
【作者单位】: 东北师范大学历史文化学院;
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