[Abstract]:The modern English Masonic was born in London in 1717, an important civil society in the modern history of England. At the beginning of its creation, the English Masonic has received the attention of the aristocrats, gentlemen, members of the Royal Society and the officers of the overseas legion, and has become an important platform for the social communication of these members. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the English ataxia had expanded to the British and overseas colonies in a variety of ways, and developed into a large number of non-governmental organizations with a large number of members. At the same time, at the same time, the Freemasite of England is the mother of the world's ataxia, and the member brings the form of the ataxia to the European countries, which has produced the international influence that can't be ignored, and provides an effective way for the dissemination of the British thought culture to the European continent. The period from its birth to the end of the 19th century, from its birth to the end of the 19th century, is thought to be the most important historical stage from start-up to maturity. At this stage of history, the English ataxia has undergone three important transformations. They are the split-forming and curing period of the main contradiction between 1723 and 1790, and the contradiction between the leaders and the lower-level members from 1813 to the end of the 19th century is the focus of the period from 1790 's to 1813 to realize the legitimacy of transforming the allegiance to the main target. A period of turning to the new middle class characterized by a strong demand for autonomy from lower-level members. The expression of a religious belief based on the nature of the nature of England in 1723 has raised the dispute in the various regions of England. The Northern Masonic, which is inclined to the traditional Christian concept (the York Masonic and the Irish, the Scottish Masonic), has set up their own associations to compete with the England Association. In the Irish famine of the 1730-40, A number of Irish and Scottish Masons travel to London to seek employment opportunities. The members have been ignored and boycotted by the Freemasons of England. The differences in religious beliefs, regional estrangement, class attributes, and so on, eventually force the members to set up a separate portal, which, in 1751, set up the English Masonic "old school" Association in London to start the "old school" and "modern school" of the first half of the century. The period referred to as the "Masonic division" ended in the 1790 's with the decline of the British and the death of the old-style leader who insisted on the opposing tendency. The French Revolution broke out in the end of the 18th and the end of the 19th century, and the continuation of the Napoleonic Wars, The British government has intensified its regulation of various civil society in the country. The form of secret societies in the English Masonic and the hard-to-control political tendency of some of the members of the club to express their political preference for control have brought the crisis of legitimacy that had not been met in the past. In order to survive in the legal framework of the British Empire, the two-party Masonic has gradually reached the intention of reconciliation, and has obtained the recognition of the Government's law by means of a high-level political defence. At the same time, the two groups united in a unified way to unify the pre-conflicting rituals and regulations, define the political identity of the loyalists, and ensure the survival of the ataxia in a high-pressure political environment, The further development of ataxia has sought legal space. In 1813, the post-merger of the English Masonic has made clear the position of the non-political, non-religious, but the controversy in the direction of development has surfaced again. High-level leaders hope to be a highly-philosophical group, with lower-level members expected to pay more attention to the union of the brothers in the meeting, while a few militants are eager to push England's ataxia to a way similar to the French republicist. The three parties discussed the open platform of cheap publications, newspapers and magazines in the first half of the 19th century. In addition, the warring parties have expressed their views on the important British social and historical events in the mid-19th century, such as parliamentary reform and the aristocratic crisis. In the end, a growing number of middle-class members have obtained the voice of the English Masonic, and the internal leadership is making a compromise to a large number of emerging-member groups under multiple pressures, such as the pressure of public opinion and the division of high-level ideas. The English ataxia has gradually made clear the direction of the development of the promotion of the member's morality and the development of the religious sentiment. From the start-up to the maturity of the 18 th and 19 th century, England's ataxia has formed its own mature development model. In the course of the transformation, the contradiction between the internal parts of the English ataxia is fully reflected. In spite of the various internal disputes, the English Masonic has achieved a rapid expansion, and the basic principles, the direction of development and the construction of the historical texts have been completed in the process of eliminating the contradictions. It can be said that the Freemasons of England, in the secular and religious, equal and limited, the elite and the masses, the radical and the conservative, and so on, gradually grind out a strong and inclusive framework, which has shaped the development model of the present-day Masonic Society in England, Become a civil society organization designed to improve the individual's personal morality.
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