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发布时间:2018-01-29 03:21

  本文关键词: IAT 启动 A型人格 攻击性 出处:《河北大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:本文探讨启动效应和人格因素对在校大学生内隐攻击性造成的影响,以揭示后者与两个自变量之间的关系,丰富补充攻击性理论,从而为学生群体加强思想道德建设提供更多依据。在具体的研究过程中,,本文将整个过程分为两步。首先选择人格因素和内隐攻击性两个变量进行初步分析,接下来将阈下条件纳入考虑,设置阈下变量,检验其与人格变量交互后究竟会对因变量产生怎样的作用。 研究一通过A型人格问卷从来访者中筛选出两种人格受试者各10名,使用内隐测验测得这20名受试者的内隐态度,同时比较了男女被试的内隐测验效应值。结果显示:受试者无论A型还是B型人格,均有着明显的IAT效应,即A、B两种人格的个体在内隐态度上存在明显敌意,而且程度差异不显著。 追随研究一的结果,在研究二中,新增启动因素,为了不令受试者察觉,过程中刺激都控制在阈下,对20名A型人格受试者和20名B型人格受试者内隐攻击性进行测试,测试中根据启动的不同将受试者分成了两组,其中一组是攻击性的,另一组是中性的,材料都是词语刺激材料。由此研究阈下信息对不同人格受试者的影响。通过设置阈下信息,观察刺激对受试者攻击性造成的影响,实验收集了40名受试者的数据,探讨阈下信息对不同人格受试者会产生怎样的影响。结果显示:对攻击性的变化量来说,人格和启动存在交互作用,A型人格受试者在接受阈下攻击启动后,内隐攻击性增强,而对照度中接受中性启动内隐攻击性没有明显变化;B型人格受试者在接受两种类型的信息后,攻击性变化都不显著。最后研究得出以下结论: (1)内隐攻击普遍性:受试者总是习惯性的进行“非我-非攻击词”和“自我-攻击词”的归类。 (2)内隐攻击性无性别差异。 (3)A、B人格个体均存在内隐攻击性,且差异不显著。 (4)A、B人格者内隐攻击性没有差异,但收到刺激后,其变化量会有差异,即阈下攻击性启动对A型人格者效果显著,对B型人格者效果不显著,说明A型人格者对阈下攻击信息更敏感、攻击性更容易被激发。
[Abstract]:This paper discusses the effects of priming effect and personality factors on implicit aggression of college students in order to reveal the relationship between the latter and two independent variables and enrich the theory of supplementary aggression. In the specific research process, this paper divides the whole process into two steps. First, choose the personality factor and implicit aggression two variables to carry on the preliminary analysis. Then the subthreshold conditions are taken into account and the subthreshold variables are set to test how they interact with personality variables on the dependent variables. In the first study, 10 subjects of two kinds of personality were selected from the visitors by type A personality questionnaire, and the implicit attitude of the 20 subjects was measured by implicit test. At the same time, the implicit test effects of male and female subjects were compared. The results showed that the subjects had significant IAT effect, I. e., A type of personality, whether type A or B personality. There is obvious hostility in the implicit attitude of the two personality, and there is no significant difference in the degree of the two personality. Following the results of study one, in the second study, new priming factors were added, and the stimuli in the process were controlled under the threshold in order not to be perceived by the subjects. Implicit aggression was tested in 20 type A and 20 B personality subjects. The subjects were divided into two groups according to different priming, one group was aggressive and the other group was neutral. The materials were all word stimulative materials. The effects of subthreshold information on different personality subjects were studied. By setting subthreshold information, the effects of stimuli on subjects' aggression were observed. The data of 40 subjects were collected to explore the influence of subthreshold information on the subjects with different personality. The results showed that there was interaction between personality and priming in terms of the quantity of aggression. After the initiation of subthreshold aggression, the implicit aggression increased in the A-type personality subjects, but there was no significant change in the contrast degree in the neutral priming implicit aggression. After receiving two types of information, the subjects of type B personality had no significant change in aggression. Finally, the following conclusions were drawn: (1) universality of implicit aggression: subjects are routinely classified as "non-self-non-aggression words" and "self-aggression words". There was no gender difference in implicit aggression. There was implicit aggression in all personality individuals, and the difference was not significant. There was no difference in implicit aggression in patients with Aneb personality, but there was difference in the amount of change after stimulation, that is, the effect of subthreshold aggression priming on type A personality was significant, but that on type B personality was not significant. The results show that type A personality is more sensitive to subliminal attack information and more aggressive.


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