发布时间:2018-02-22 18:24
本文关键词: 多元文化 蒙古族 自我构念 出处:《华中师范大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:自我是文化的产物,文化以无处不在的方式影响着个体的自我建构。在经济全球化和文化多元化的发展趋势下,文化和跨文化心理学的研究兴趣已经从关注自我构念的文化差异转移到关注多元文化背景下个体自我构念的动态建构性。已有的研究主要针对内化了东西方文化(集体主义——个体主义)的双文化个体(如亚裔美国人、香港人)展开,大量研究结果均验证了Hong等人基于动态建构理论提出的文化框架转换模型,即双文化个体能依据情境中随时变化的文化要求通达不同文化的自我构念(独立型自我——互依型自我)。 我国是东方集体主义文化的典型代表,同时也是一个多民族多元文化融合的国家。蒙古族是草原文化的主要载体和传承者,他们“逐水草而居”,崇尚自然,开放自信,个性独立自主,拥有独特的宗教信仰体系和独立的语言文字。同时,他们也深受国内主流集体主义文化的熏陶。这使得蒙古族个体自我构念的形成和发展势必受到两种文化的影响。本研究设计了两项研究旨在探讨:(1)蒙古族大学生自我构念的特点;(2)在不同文化背景下,蒙古族大学生的自我构念是否存在动态建构性。 研究1以48名蒙古族大学生和49名汉族大学生为被试,采用一般自我构念量表(SCS)测量被试的自我构念。结论:蒙古族大学生属于双文化型自我构念(高独立型与高互依型并存),区别于汉族大学生的互依型自我构念。 研究2以95名蒙古族双语大学生为被试,将被试随机分为两组:蒙语组(47人)和汉语组(48人)。实验要求两组被试分别使用蒙语和汉语来完成自传体记忆任务。考察指标包括:记忆取向、经历类型及情绪性。结论:汉语组被试自传体记忆的社会取向显著高于蒙语组,反映了多元文化背景下蒙古族大学生自我构念的动态建构性。此外,蒙古组大学生在回忆中较多提及家庭经历,且蒙语组在回忆中相比汉语组被试更多地提及情绪词,这反映了早期经历和民族文化对其产生的深刻影响。
[Abstract]:The ego is the product of culture, and culture influences the self-construction of individuals in a omnipresent way. Under the development trend of economic globalization and cultural pluralism, The research interest in cultural and cross-cultural psychology has shifted from focusing on the cultural differences of self-construction to focusing on the dynamic constructiveness of individual self-construction in the context of multiculturalism. The existing studies have mainly focused on the internalization of eastern and western cultures. (collectivist-individualistic) bicultural individuals (such as Asian Americans, A large number of studies have validated the cultural framework transformation model proposed by Hong et al based on the dynamic construction theory. That is, the bicultural individual can understand the self-construction of different cultures according to the changing culture in the situation. China is a typical representative of the Eastern collectivist culture, and also a multi-national and multicultural country. The Mongolian are the main carriers and inheritors of the grassland culture. They "live by water and grass", advocating nature and being open and confident. Independent personality, unique religious belief system and independent language. At the same time, They are also deeply influenced by the mainstream collectivist culture in China. This makes the formation and development of individual self-construction of Mongolian people bound to be influenced by two cultures. The characteristics of self-construction in different cultural backgrounds, Whether there is dynamic constructiveness in the self-construction of Mongolian college students? Study 1 included 48 Mongolian and 49 Han students. General Self-Structure scale (SCS) was used to measure the self-construction of the subjects. Conclusion: Mongolian college students belong to a kind of bicultural self-construction (high independence type and high interdependence type coexist), which is different from the Han nationality college students' interdependent self-construction. In study 2, 95 Mongolian bilingual college students were selected as subjects. The subjects were randomly divided into two groups: the Mongolian group (47) and the Chinese group (48). The subjects were asked to use Mongolian and Chinese to complete the task of autobiographical memory. Conclusion: the social orientation of autobiographical memory in Chinese group is significantly higher than that in Mongolian language group, which reflects the dynamic constructiveness of self-construction of Mongolian college students in multicultural background. Mongolian college students refer to family experience in their memories, and Mongolian group mentions emotional words more frequently than Chinese students, which reflects the profound influence of early experience and national culture on them.
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