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发布时间:2018-04-13 16:02

  本文选题:职工 + 宽恕动机 ; 参考:《广西师范大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:近几年来,职工心理健康越来越关注,宽恕是积极心理学中重要的一部分,宽恕作为一种积极应对冒犯和冲突的策略,它的理论价值和巨大的应用潜力日益显现,也是学术界的研究热点。然而,随着经济的全球化,国际竞争加剧,工作任务的复杂化和多样化,在工作中,摩擦、冲突、冒犯、不公平对待时常发生。职工宽恕动机指的是在工作中职工能够将受到冒犯而产生的消极情绪和负面影响转化成积极情绪和认知的动机倾向。职工宽恕动机有助于修复受损的人际关系,增强人际信任水平,在工作冲突管理中起着关键作用。本研究通过文献查阅、结构访谈以及探索性和验证性因素分析等对职工宽恕动机问卷进行修订,重点关注以桂林市不同单位职工为研究对象,对职工宽恕动机的内容结构、信效度进行探讨。本研究修订Susie S.Cox etal.(2012)开发的职工宽恕动机问卷,采用修订完后具有信效度的职工宽恕动机问卷测查;人际信任问卷由Rotter(1976)编制;心理健康症状问卷采用Derogatis(1973)编制的Hopkin' s症状清单(HSCL),1976年正式出版的SCL-90,王征宇翻译的中文版量表。对桂林市不同单位650名职工进行测量,针对人口统计学变量对职工宽恕动机现状进行研究;探讨职工宽恕动机、人际信任、心理健康症状三者之间的关系和中介效应。通过科学的实证方法,在丰富国内职工宽恕动机、人际信任和心理健康实证研究的同时,也为建设和谐型企业、促进人际和谐提供理论上的支持和指导。研究主要结论如下:(1)岗位在高层的职工与中层、基层、一线的职工在宽恕道歉维度得分有显著差异。(2)国企职工与国家机关/事业单位、其他的职工在宽恕道歉和宽恕关系维度上有显著差异。(3)职工宽恕动机和心理健康症状及各维度均呈显著的负相关;职工宽恕动机及三个维度和人际信任均呈显著的负相关;人际信任和心理健康症状及各维度均呈显著的正相关。(4)人际信任在宽恕动机与心理健康症状之间的中介作用显著。
[Abstract]:In recent years, workers' mental health has become more and more concerned. Forgiveness is an important part of positive psychology. As a positive strategy to deal with offenses and conflicts, forgiveness has more and more theoretical value and great application potential.Also is the academic research hot spot.However, with the globalization of economy, international competition intensifies, the task of work is complicated and diversified, friction, conflict, offense and unfair treatment often occur in the work.The motivation of worker forgiveness refers to the tendency of workers to translate the negative emotion and negative influence caused by offence into positive emotion and cognition in the work.Forgiveness motivation helps to repair damaged interpersonal relationships, enhance interpersonal trust, and play a key role in conflict management.Through literature review, structural interviews and exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, the questionnaire was revised to focus on the content structure of workers' forgiveness motivation in Guilin.Reliability and validity were discussed.This study revised the employee forgiveness motivation questionnaire, which was developed by Susie S.Cox etal.n2012.The questionnaire was compiled by Rotters1976.The questionnaire is based on the reliability and validity of the questionnaire.The mental health symptom questionnaire was compiled by Derogatisn 1973-Hopkin 's symptom list (HSCLL), SCL-90 published in 1976, and translated by Wang Zhengyu (Chinese version).650 workers in different units in Guilin city were measured, and the present situation of forgiveness motivation was studied according to demographic variables, and the relationship among forgiveness motivation, interpersonal trust and mental health symptoms was discussed.Through the scientific empirical method, the empirical research on forgiveness motivation, interpersonal trust and mental health of domestic workers is enriched, and it also provides theoretical support and guidance for the construction of harmonious enterprises and the promotion of interpersonal harmony.The main conclusions of the study are as follows: (1) there is a significant difference in the scores of forgiveness and apology between the workers at the top level and those at the middle level and at the grass-roots level and the front-line workers and staff members in the state-owned enterprises and the state organs / institutions.There was significant difference in forgiveness apology and forgiveness relationship between other workers. (3) forgiveness motivation and mental health symptoms and each dimension were significantly negative correlation, forgiveness motivation and three dimensions and interpersonal trust were significantly negative correlation.Interpersonal trust had significant positive correlation with mental health symptoms and all dimensions.) interpersonal trust played a significant role in mediating between forgiveness motivation and mental health symptoms.


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