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发布时间:2018-04-28 11:40

  本文选题:顾客满意度 + 心理账户 ; 参考:《北京邮电大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来,随着经济的不断发展,居民的消费水平越来越高。同时资源短缺的时代早已过去,市场已经从卖方市场向着买方市场转变。在这种情况下,争夺市场成了所有企业的共同行为,同时市场营销成为了一个既是实践上的问题也是备受学术界关注的理论研究问题。随着市场营销理论的不断发展,现代的企业管理理论和市场营销理论已经逐步认识到了维系“老顾客”相比于拓展“新顾客”是一种非常有效率的方法。从成本方面来看,维系老顾客的成本远远低于开发新顾客的成本,从收益的角度来看,老顾客的重复购买却构成了企业的销售业绩的绝大多数,一个持续发展的企业的主要销售收入都是来源于老顾客。越来越多的企业在营销实践中也将工作的重心放到了维系老顾客的关系,并且尝试诱发老顾客的重复购买上,也有大量的研究者对于顾客忠诚行为的影响因素进行了深入研究。同时,大量的相关研究文献指出,顾客满意是激发顾客忠诚行为的一个重要因素。高的顾客满意度能够有效地促进顾客产生重复购买行为,反之,如果顾客发生了不满意,企业可能会失去一个甚至多个潜在的顾客。不仅如此,大量的研究发现,顾客满意不仅仅有激发顾客重复购买行为的效应,顾客满意度还能够有效地引导客户的口碑传播,能够进一步地吸引新客户。综上所述,对于顾客满意度的研究具有着重要的现实意义。本研究就是在这样的背景下提出的。 顾客满意度自从被提出开始,就一直受到了大量学者的关注,也有大量的学者投入到顾客满意度的研究中。学术界对于顾客满意度的研究主要分布在三个领域:满意度的来源和影响因素研究,满意度的测量机制研究和满意度对于顾客其他行为的影响研究。这几个领域的研究都取得了相应的成就,成果也较为丰富。但是本研究通过对于以往研究的深入梳理和分析认为,此前的研究首先未能从顾客内心的运行机制上解决顾客满意度的问题,其次在解决群体顾客的满意度时,未能有效地考虑到顾客群体的复杂性、交互性,使用的方法仍然是以实证分析方法为主的静态方法。因此,为了进一步丰富顾客满意度的理论体系,本研究提出从心理账户的视角,运用理论演绎和分析的方法,结合期望与实绩差异模型,对顾客满意度进行分析和建模,以从内心机制上来解决个体层面的顾客满意度的问题。在此基础之上,本研究将研究的层面扩展到群体层面,利用社会科学计算实验这样一种动态的分析方法来对群体顾客满意度进行分析,探究其群体性规律。一个新的视角的选择和一种动态的分析方法的使用是本研究的重要创新之处,对于顾客满意度的理论研究来说,是一次有益的尝试。 由于静态的方法难以对群体顾客的复杂性进行描述,本研究建立了相应的计算机仿真模型来进行研究,通过构建消费者群体的社会网络,制定相应的主体间交互规则,设计出模型所需要的变量。在已经构建出模型的基础上利用NETLOGO软件进行程序实现。根据研究的需要,设定相应的实验场景,研究不同网络结构、不同的早期使用者的情况下,群体顾客的整体满意度情况。 本研究通过理论建模和计算机仿真实验的方法,发现口碑的充分传播能够有效促进群体顾客的整体满意度情况。同时,网络的架构情况会影响本研究在这一主要结论的基础上,为企业的管理实践提出了相应的建议。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the continuous development of the economy, the consumption level of the residents is getting higher and higher. At the same time, the time of the shortage of resources has already passed, and the market has changed from the seller's market to the buyer's market. In this case, the competition for the market has become the common behavior of all enterprises. At the same time, market marketing has become a practical problem as well as a great deal. With the continuous development of marketing theory, modern enterprise management theory and marketing theory have gradually realized that maintaining "old customers" is a very efficient way to expand "new customers". From the cost aspect, the cost of maintaining old customers is far lower than that of development. The cost of new customers, from the point of view of income, the repeated purchase of the old customers constitutes the vast majority of the sales performance of the enterprise. The main sales revenue of a continuous developing enterprise is derived from the old customers. More and more enterprises also put their work in the marketing practice to maintain the relationship between the old customers and try to induce them. A large number of researchers have studied the influencing factors of customer loyalty behavior. At the same time, a large number of relevant literature points out that customer satisfaction is an important factor to stimulate customer loyalty behavior. High customer satisfaction can effectively promote customers to produce repeated purchase behavior, and vice versa, If the customer is dissatisfied, the enterprise may lose one or more potential customers. Not only that, but also, a large number of research finds that customer satisfaction not only has the effect of stimulating the customer's repeated purchase behavior, but also can effectively guide the customer's word of mouth, and can further attract new customers. The study of customer satisfaction is of great practical significance. This study is based on this background.
Since customer satisfaction has been put forward, a large number of scholars have been concerned, and a large number of scholars have been put into the study of customer satisfaction. The research on customer satisfaction is mainly distributed in three fields: the source and influence factors of satisfaction, the study of the measurement mechanism of full meaning and the satisfaction of the customers. Research on the impact of other behaviors. The research in these fields has made the corresponding achievements, and the results are more abundant. However, the previous research, through the in-depth analysis and analysis of previous studies, that the previous research failed to solve the customer satisfaction problem from the operating mechanism of the customer's heart, followed by solving the satisfaction of the group customers. In order to further enrich the theoretical system of customer satisfaction, this study proposes a theory deductive and analytical method from the perspective of psychological account to combine expectations and performance differences in order to further enrich the theoretical system of customer satisfaction. Based on the analysis and modeling of customer satisfaction in order to solve the problem of customer satisfaction at the individual level, this research extends the research level to the group level and uses a dynamic analysis method, such as social science computing experiment, to analyze the group customer satisfaction and explore its group. The choice of a new perspective and the use of a dynamic analysis method are important innovations in this study. It is a useful attempt for the theoretical study of customer satisfaction.
Because the static method is difficult to describe the complexity of the group customers, this research establishes the corresponding computer simulation model to study. By constructing the social network of the consumer group, the corresponding inter agent interaction rules are formulated and the variables needed are designed. The NETLOGO soft is used on the basis of the model. According to the needs of the research, the corresponding experimental scene is set up to study the overall satisfaction of the group customers under the circumstances of different network structures and different early users.
By means of theoretical modeling and computer simulation experiments, this study finds that the full spread of word of mouth can effectively promote the overall satisfaction of the group customers. At the same time, the structure of the network will affect this study on the basis of this main conclusion, and put forward some suggestions for the management practice of the enterprise.



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